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7 pages/≈1925 words
Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
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Response Regarding a Major Paper Submission

Essay Instructions:

7: Formatting Instructions


.          Word length: a minimum of 1800 words (including Works Cited (MLA)/References (APA) entry).

.          Set the alignment in your assignment for left-hand justification (a.k.a. align text left), which means the margins are 1 inch/2.5 cm. for the document.

.          Word processed, double-spaced, and composed in proper sentences and paragraph format that exhibit degree-level critical thinking and organization/writing.

.          Title page: must include the name of the assignment, your name, your student number, submission date, and the word count.

File Types

.          Rich Text Format (.rtf) or Microsoft Word (.doc; .docx) are the only acceptable formats for submission. 

.          Aside from .rtf and .doc/.docx, no other file formats will be accepted. You must submit your document as .rtf, .doc., or .docx as I will not do conversions and you will incur a “0” for the assignment accordingly. In other words, no PDF, no .pages, etc. will be accepted.

Quotations Only! No Paraphrases Accepted!! + Citations! Citations! Citations!

 Critical argumentation  requires evidence to support the claims you are making. In that regard, I do not accept paraphrases as evidence; I only accept quotations. In other words, I don’t want you paraphrasing story details that you are using as evidence; I want you quoting where relevant to support your argumentation.

In addition, you cannot paraphrase the Learning Module slides as per the research requirements outlined above; instead, you need to quote from the slides and cite the material accordingly. Finally, you cannot paraphrase the academic research you are conducting as per the research requirements outlined above; instead, you need to quote from the research and cite it accordingly. Content that is paraphrased will not count towards your evidence/research requirements, and this means you are losing marks (possibly failing).

As per the syllabus, all students are required to use either MLA (preferred) or APA format as it pertains to research requirements for their assignments. There is information available on Seneca’s Computer/Learning Commons website regarding both APA and MLA styles: 

Finally, you will not pass if you do not have a Works Cited (MLA) or Reference list (APA) and you will lose marks if your quotations are not referenced according to MLA or APA format. 

Remember: you do not need in-text citations when you are discussing the story details of the works we are studying. In-text citations are reserved for quotations from the primary sources, Learning Modules, and/or the secondary sources (as per the research requirements).

Finally, as a degree-level course, LSO119: Science Fiction has been organized in part around Learning Modules that have provided you with critical theory/approaches designed to help you unpack the primary sources (see above) in greater detail. Therefore, you need to incorporate the Learning Module content into your assignment in a productive fashion. In other words, you are required to quote from at least three different slides in the Learning Modules folders throughout this course and use that quoted content in a productive fashion to unpack/support your argumentation. Your quotations from the Learning Module content must follow either APA or MLA format, which means quotation marks around the quoted content, in-text citations, and an entry in your References (APA)/Works Cited (MLA) list at the end of the paper.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Response Regarding my Major Paper Submission

Dear Professor,

I hope you are doing well. I am writing to respond about the issues you raised concerning my ___ Major Paper submission. Thank you very much for your comments and time you took to read my work carefully.

I am aware that the submissions I did earlier and the Major Paper are different in writing style and level of critical terminology. I am sorry if this difference led to misunderstanding. When I wrote the Major Paper, I passed it through Grammarly tool before submitting it. This tool was giving me several grammar suggestions in the whole paper, and I

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