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Response paper on public administration

Essay Instructions:
This is Masters Of Public Administration Response Paper Please follow the guidlelines carefully. Read all the required references and add them to the paper. Required Readings: Farmer, David J.(2010) Public Administration in Perspective. Aramonk, NY: ME Sharpe Chapters 3-6 Farmer, David J.(2005) To Kill the King. Armonk, NY: ME Sharpe Chapter 15 1. A two page reading analysis response paper. This paper is primarily for you to synthesize and analyze the reading materials. This paper should include: (1) a brief summary of the main theme or themes you felt were important in the readings. DO NOT try to summarize the readings; (2) your analysis of these main themes e.g. why they are important, what some opposing views may be; (3) what the implications are for public administration in your view and why they may be important to practice; and (4) develop two questions you feel are important for further exploration in relation to this material. I recommend the American Psychological Association Publication (APA) Manual for your papers. Other style manuals such as MLA are acceptable as well. It is important to follow citation guides carefully to avoid plagiarism. · It is helpful to first define your terms/concepts; then describe them within the context of what you are writing about; and then discuss their relevance. It is confusing to the reader to reverse the process or to not define your terms. PLEASE CONTACT ME BEFORE YOU START THE PAPER SO THAT WE COULD DISCUSS YOUR THOUGHTS.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Response paper on public administration
Analysis of public administration and bureaucracy focuses on diverse perspectives that offer insights on how to deal with public administration, because a single perspective is typically not fully comprehensive. Public administration refers to management of public affairs, and includes the process of government policy formulation. Farmer focuses on relevance of public administration from the business, economic, political and critical theory angles in chapters 3 to 6, (Farmer, 2010) whereby he likens public administration as serving similar objectives in different perspectives, to different audiences. Nonetheless, public administrators can learn from these other approaches. The main theme of Public Administration in Perspective is that no matter the perspective, the foundation of public administration is on five fronts with planning being a major aspect in all perspectives.

Importance of planning
Planning is an important aspect of administration, regardless of the level of administration, and is also identifiable with other vital administrative functions including organization and coordination. Equally, planning extends to the management aspect of organizations when viewed from these diverse aspects of administration. It is implied that public administrators cannot dissociate themselves from the society, as the role of planning is common in all perspectives. Even though, planning is essential, Farmer does not suggest whether there are models applicable exclusively to any of the perspectives.
The material is relevant because it focuses on the similarities of the different perspectives and on planning. However, the trend towards adoption of business perspectives in public administration may not be applicable. From a public administration point of view the role of prices in the distribution of public is not applicable at all times. The relevant questions pertaining to the chapters are:
Whether behavioral theories are relevant in the study of public administration?
What are the impact of political systems on bureaucracy, governance and publi...
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