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Response on the Assessment of Gentrification

Essay Instructions:

Please respond to Michael, and Destiny about their post in 2 different paragraphs as if you were me. Not in 3rd person. Minimum 100 words each paragraph.


Gentrification is the process of re-developing impoverished neighborhoods through installation of higher-class businesses and residences. This process can improve home values and create safer neighborhoods. This process can also displace lower and middle-class residents who have been in those areas for generations.

It has been argued that gentrification can reduce crime and disorder that is experienced in densely populated urban areas. Social disorganization theory, “posits that crime results from neighborhood social conditions rather than any individual characteristic of neighborhood residents, and that crime will be highest in neighborhoods characterized by high levels of concentrated disadvantage, instability, and ethnic heterogeneity.” “These neighborhoods lack the ability to realize common goals and maintain effective social controls” (Boggess PDF). By implementing gentrification in an area, developers are addressing two of the identified crimogens; highly concentrated populations and the instability of the area. The re-development alleviates the concentrated housing areas and provides more spaced out living with “elbow room”. The influx of higher-class businesses and residences brings with them more resources which should lead to a reduction in crime and disorder, providing more stability to the neighborhood.

In the Ted Talk from this weeks reading, Winifred Curran argues that gentrification is not inevitable, nor are the only choices gentrification or ghetto. She points to an overarching issue within society, the lack of adequate resources. Winifred believes that there is a better way to improve urban areas without causing the mass-displacement involved with gentrification. She believes that the focus should be more on building more “Care-Ful” facilities that provide needed resources to a community, with attention payed to social justice.

My opinion lies somewhere between Ms. Curran and the process of gentrification to reduce crime and disorder. I believe that highly concentrated urban areas have a difficult task of providing the necessary resources for a community, which include safety and security. I also believe that gentrification is not “fair” to those who cannot afford to be a part of the shiny new and crime free neighborhood.

YouTube.com. Tedx Talks. Curran, W. Gentrification is not Inevitable: Care and Resistance. Retrieved June 9, 2021 from; https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v==yjH8Sdc8Sw

Boggess, L., and Hipp, J. The Spatial Dimensions of Gentrification and the Consequences for Neighborhood Crime.pdf. Retrieved June 9, 2021 from; https://northeastern(dot)instructure(dot)com/courses/68073/pages/week-3-gentrification-to-do-this-week?module_item_id=5767824


Gentrification is the process of improving or renovating a neighborhood, house, or district that will conform to a specific socioeconomic preference. It sounds good and makes a lot of sense when wanting to clean up an area that attracts more crime and leaves the residents living in fear because of the crime that is there and around the area. It is supposed to make the lives of people who live there better but that remains a question to be answered. While it may be a good idea one should know that there are some pros and cons that go with gentrification. The pros are as follows:

1. The atmosphere will have a boost.

2. It creates new opportunities for jobs and businesses.

3. There is new housing convenience.

4. It makes the surrounding area(s) cleaner.

The cons are as follows:

1. It changes the cultural standards of the society. New people bring in a new culture as well as a new culture with a their standard of life with them. it overrides what the already residents are used to and have to adjust which can bring about conflicts.

2. It can make a community poorer in that new members prefer their brand names as well as franchises, and other stores for their needs rather than compromising on the already dwellings and shops.

3. Removes the people who built the community which causes it to lose the spirit of the area which comes from the people who built it. It also evacuates community landmarks which also gives spirit and meaning to the community.

4. It is like Capitalism in that the poor get poorer and the wealthy gets wealthier. The poor cannot keep their pace with the speedy development more specifications in jobs and more refinement in the infrastructure because you are now adding value process.

Gentrification does not necessarily mean that crime rates will be eliminated because while it is being renovated it can now draw more attention to the area because there is a new class of people who have more and that makes it more appealing to criminal activity. It also means that crime will now move to another area because its former area has gone through a major transformation which takes away their former crimes moving to a new place. While those who are middle/upper class people moving in drawing attention to themselves, it is possible they will receive criminal activity because things are new and more expensive meaning money has moved in the neighborhood. For those who have lived there and do not want to be moved, there should be something worked out that they would not have to move. This is where they have lived for years, these are the people who are the spirit of the community so why not renovate their dwelling? It is hard for older people to pack up and move leaving all they know. It can even be worked out where their dwelling gets renovated to compliment the new renovations and allow their rent (the home is probably paid off) to decrease, or just have them pay the taxes. This keeps them happy and you are still able to live a newly renovated area.

Sajjad, F. (November 21, 2017) 15 Solid Pros & Cons Of gentrification with Images-The Ultimate Good https://thelifevirtue(dot)com/pros-and-cons-of-gentrification

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CJS 6300 DF3 Comments
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Hi Michael,
Your post is informative. I like how you incorporate the social disorganization theory in your discussion. It makes the reader expand their thought and connect gentrification with societal injustices and crimes. Lack of resources is the main reason for societal crimes as mentioned in the Ted Talk you cited in your post. People are in constant search of resources to address their daily needs and they turn to crimes like stealing when they cannot access the resources through legal ways. I would like to emphasize your opinion about gentrification. Indeed, highly concentrated urban centers experience high crime rates because of the scramble for available resources. On the other hand, gentrification is not fair because it does injustice to the displaced lowe...
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