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Constructing and Managing Online Identities

Essay Instructions:

Erving Goffman (1959), as discussed in Alice Marwick’s ‘Online Identities’, argues that we construct and perform different identities or versions of ourselves in different social contexts.

How do you construct and manage your identities online?

What are some of the key differences in your online identities?

What are the implications of having and managing multiple identities, or multiple versions of the same identity?

Answer all of these questions with reference to two or more of your online identities. These can include your avatar identity (from an online roleplaying game or virtual world)* and/or your online identity on a social media platform such as (but not limited to) Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Whatsapp, WeChat or Instagram. You may select two identities on the same platform, for example, if you have multiple Instagram profiles that represent different identities.

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Research Essay
How do you construct and manage your identities online?
I construct my online identity by creating an account that would be safe for family and friends. “Some people maintain multiple accounts: one "safe for work" and one more personal” (Marwick). Such an identity helps protect close friends and family from being subjected to bullying due to the things I post on social media platforms. For instance, I love commenting on other people's posts on Facebook. In some cases, these comments might involve a topic that I would not feel comfortable having my closest friends or family members read. Such content might make virtual friends judge them wrongly. Therefore, I have to ensure that my identities protect the privacy of other people.
Once I have constructed an online identity, I manage it by being careful about the content I post. If I am using an identity that reveals my real-life personality, I ensure not to post something that might compromise my wellbeing. Social media platforms are some of the online platforms where people can be subjected to bullying. Cases have been reported where people committed suicide due to the bullying they face from virtual friends (Massing-Schaffer & Nesi, 2020). Such cases can happen to any person depending on the kind of information they post on such platforms. Therefore, I always ensure to post information that will not subject me to harm. Whenever a post or comment I made evokes negative feelings from other users, I always delete it immediately. Such has helped me construct and maintain an online identity that does not harm my feelings. Posting pictures of Avatars on Facebook has helped me protect my real identity. It has also helped me evade the bullying that people get when they post their real pictures.
Another way I maintain my online identity, especially on Instagram, is by deleting the pictures that do not fit in the public domain. In some cases, I might post a picture without giving it a second thought online to realize later that I should not have posted the particular picture. An example is the case of parties where many people get tempted to post pictures they could not have posted when sober. Such pictures might create the wrong impression about a person. Therefore, it is best to occasionally review the pictures that I have posted on my Instagram account to ensure they do not give a wrong impression about my personality. I also check to ensure that people's comments on my Instagram pictures do not present hateful messages.
What are some of the key differences in your online identities?
One of the key differences in my online identities is the kind of pictures I post. For instance, my Instagram account is filled with real-life pictures, while on Facebook, I prefer using avatars. I think the Facebook identity allows me to interact with people without the fear of being judged. A substantial number of people on online platforms tend to judge other people, and these judgments can be harmful to the identity’s owner. An example is a case where an individual presents themselves as a member of the LGBTQ group. Such a person is likely to face judgment from the people that advocate against homosexuality. Their real-life pictures could be used to oppress them as people judge their appearance. Therefore, if an individual does not use their real picture, they will likely not be subjected to bullying. Facebook is considered a platform where people express their feeling by writing what is on their minds. Hence, it is easier to judge a person’s personality depending on what they post or comment on other people's posts.
On the contrary, Instagram does not involve much interaction between users. A person might post their pictures and not say anything about what they feel about the particular picture. Such reduces their chances of being judged. The only way that people can judge a person is by checking their dressing and setting as presented in the picture. The difference between these two identities has helped me enjoy my interaction with virtual friends without the fear of being judged. “People know that they must choose what facets of themselves they want to present online” (Marwick). Such allows them to choose what to present to the virtual friends using their identity of choice.
Another difference is the kind of information I post using both identities. I feel that my Facebook identity is not a representation of my real-life personality. In most cases, I give made-up information on the platform. Such has helped in shaping my interpersonal perceptions about other people and ideologies in online platforms. Many people do not know my real identity, which gives me the courage to comment on what I feel about various concepts on the platform. I do not post many details on my Instagram account other than my pictures. This does not allow me to interact with other people because I rarely comment on other people’s pictures. The main interaction I have on this platform is liking other people’s pictures. However, it has also helped shape my personality because I learn a lot about the fashion industry. I have chosen this Instagram identity because it helps me differentiate what is safe to post from the content I should not post. “While some social media sites provide the ability to filter content to a specific subgroup of friends, these settings can be tricky to configure and often change without notice” (Marwick). This means that family members or close friends can easily access content that the user never intended them to see. Hence, I prefer using my real identity to prevent such situations from occurring.
What are the implications of having and managing multiple identities or m...
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