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Research-Based Report

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Research-Based Report
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Enclosed is the report “Gun Violence Control Program," as promised, following my proposal memo earlier this month. This report analyzes gun violence and presents practice solutions that are geared towards tackling this problem. Thank you for your time in reading this report. I hope the findings and recommendations will prove useful for your decisions regarding gun violence in the future.
Yours sincerely
Submitted to Lenny Curry, Mayor in Florida
Date:28th 06.2021
Transmittal Letter
Oniel Blair
To: Lenny Curry, 
         Mayor, Florida 
Date: 19.06.2021
This report presents findings following primary and secondary research in gun violence in Florida. The results illustrate worrying trends in gun violence marked by injuries, mortalities, and costs. Thus, this report encapsulates practical recommendations that seek to mitigate gun violence in Florida.
A worrying wave of gun violence has consistently caused trouble across many U.S states, including Florida. It is alarming to the community and its leaders; thereby, it calls for urgent action. Even though there are efforts geared towards controlling gun violence, relatively little has been achieved partly due to weak laws, insufficient education and training on guns, and inadequate accountability. Thus, this report is a culmination of gun violence control approaches derived from the existing gaps in current gun management practices.
I am very grateful for the opportunity to collate and analyze both primary and secondary data on gun violence. The teams and various stakeholders I engaged while collecting primary data were amazingly supportive. I hope that the recommendations in this report will help boost the fight against gun violence by strengthening laws and enhancing accountability, thereby reducing costs, suffering, and mortalities associated with firearm misuse. 
Executive Summary
An Executive Summary of Gun Violence Control Program
Purpose and Method of this Report
The proposed Gun Control program seeks to create awareness about gun violence and elucidate better approaches to tackling the gun violence menace. The purpose of this report is to>
* Establish the level of understanding and create sensitization on prudent gun use
* Recommend practical strategies for dealing with gun violence
Survey studies done reveal worrying statistics regarding gun violence in Florida. Florida has the 31st-highest rate of gun violence and 23rd-highest societal cost of gun violence in the U.S, where annual an average year, 2,752 people die, and 4,270 get wounded by guns. The current rate of gun deaths in Florida represents 10% from 2010 to 2019, compared to a 17% increase nationwide. Further data show that the rate of gun suicides increased by 5%, and gun homicides increased by 21%, compared to a 13% upshot and 26% shoot up nationwide, respectively.
Findings and Conclusion
Available evidence suggests worrying concerns regarding gun violence. Most respondents in gun use surveys are aware of the dangers of guns and agree with the need to focus on interventions that would minimize gun violence. Gun violence is quite burdensome in terms of outcomes such as deaths, suicides, and costs. Implementing practical and evidence-based solutions needs urgent focus from all stakeholders.
Recommendations on Controlling Gun Violence
Recommendations for enhancing strategies against gun violence include the following:
* Legislating more reasonable laws that control gun use and access
* Holding the gun industry, including manufacturers, more accountable for gun usage, access, and marketing
* Improving gun licensing and training
* Increasing educational awareness on safe gun use and storage amongst gun owners
Table of Contents
Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Introduction PAGEREF _Toc76129156 \h 7Background PAGEREF _Toc76129157 \h 7Purpose PAGEREF _Toc76129158 \h 8Overview of Methodology PAGEREF _Toc76129159 \h 9Results/Findings PAGEREF _Toc76129160 \h 9Prevalence of Gun Violence and Burden PAGEREF _Toc76129161 \h 9References PAGEREF _Toc76129162 \h 18
Gun violence is a rampant problem in Florida. This sweeping wave of tragic gun violence across Florida is worrying. It is an alarming phenomenon on both to the community, leaders, organizations, and business community. Two thousand seven hundred fifty-two people die annually, and more than 4,270 are wounded by guns in Florida (Everystats.org. ,2021). Florida has the 31st-highest rate of gun violence and the 23rd-highest societal cost of gun violence in the U.S. Gun deaths and injuries cost are highly worrisome. Florida incurs about $20 billion, of which $855 million is paid by taxpayers. Guns are the second leading cause of death among children and teens in Florida, while black Americans are seven-fold more likely to die from gun homicide (Everystats.org. 2021).
Urgent attention is needed to address the gun violence menace. There is no single solution to address gun violence. Instead, more collaborative and practical partnership engagements are needed to curb gun violence. Efforts geared towards managing gun violence should be holistic and comprehensive to address broader issues, including the creation of job opportunities, access to counseling services, police enforcements, gun holder training and education on the proper use of guns, and the development of appropriate legislation.
Society has accepted gun violence as a way of life for a long time. Already, the adverse outcomes of poor control and handling of guns are palpable. People have lost their lives, and others sustained severe injuries, while others suffer psychological impacts due to the loss of loved ones. Courageous leaders are needed more than ever to overhaul the deeply entrenched problem of gun violence.
The purpose of this report is to create an in-depth and broader understanding of gun violence. Such understanding can be used as leverage to design practical evidenced solutions that address issues surrounding gun violence. It is based on the critical understanding of gun violence that this report infers fundamental recommendations.
Overview of Methodology
The following approaches were deployed to analyze the high prevalence of gun violence in Florida.
* We conducted secondary research to determine the extent of gun violence, the role and importance of gun control, and prudent use.
* Surveyed the public regarding their views about gun violence and gun control
* Analyzed primary and secondary research data to determine approaches to managing gun violence.
Primary research was performed in Florida through a survey and analysis of the organization and governmental reports. Gun control survey questions were administered to gather information on what people think about gun violence, gun control, firearm handling, gun laws, and the effects of possession of firearms. The comprehensive surveys aimed to identify public opinion to understand if possession of weapons is needed for self-defense and perceptions of policies and regulations relevant to firearm control.
Secondary research was implemented via library database search that captured meta-analysis of gun violence and gun control measures.
Prevalence of Gun Violence and Burden
Gun violence is not something new in many cities across the world. Gun violence poses worrying statistics across many of these areas, including Florida. In Florida alone, about 2872 de...
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