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Key Findings: Harvard Education

Essay Instructions:

We are doing this for our Client HGSE, please read About HGSE to know our client, then Based on our paper [Group 4_Final paper] and Poster Bullet points (discussion part), please write the following Key findings. We are doing this for a client, so we should not write it in an academic way, please turn academic results into an action-oriented memo.

Key Findings

o   5paragraphs: major conclusions, answering the client’s important questions

o   It is recommended to include at least 2 images/infographics from our paper

Please see EMS Client Meeting Notes 2_8 for our clients' questions.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Background and Purpose
This memorandum aims to clarify the queries directed to the Harvard Graduate School of Education (HGSE) and present the research findings. The data are based on the five hashtags associated with education collected between August 2020 to March 2021. The results were analyzed based on the content and social networks.
Key Findings
* The HGSE is encouraged to incorporate Twitter, a social media platform, in its educational curriculum. Studies revealed that it benefits the students by improving communication, widening the scope of classroom activities, and advancing professional development dynamics. The primary issues are difficulty differentiating between topics based on the hashtag, varied selection of opinion leaders, and the diversity of the audiences or users.
* The hashtag community discussed the sociopolitical aspects of the educational system. The trends change within a varied period, where it takes one to eight months. It follows the traditional educational timeline trend and the top hashtags and subjects change based on the pressing issues connected to the timeline. Moreover, it is challenging to distinguish between topics solely related to the affinity space, the public sphere, or both. The volume of tweets also diminishes following suspensions of classes, such as during calamities and winter break. This would make it more strenuous to add aspects, such as resource sharing and voicing immediate concerns, which will confuse if the search queries are only based on hashtags (see Figure 1).
* The historical figure of opinion leaders, where one needs to have extensive network connections and standing in the society, is not always applicable on Twitter. They are chosen by the public based on influence, whether due to social status or social media prestige, topic, and trends. Educators can be opinion leaders once they fulfill the roles predetermined by the online community. The qualities include a vast knowledge of the topic, reasonable control of the audience, high credibility, or simply voluntarily placing an effort to be noticed. Credibility is defined based on the individual’s ability to tweet about social and scholarly information. However, the hashtag community is constantly changing, and opinion leaders are changed rapidly, and the position stability cannot be ensured by the said factors alone. Gender bias and offline status are the consistent factors. For gender, males are more likely to be opinion leaders than females.
* The identified users are...
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