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Reliability And Validity For Your Project

Essay Instructions:

You came across an article for your project, and need to determine its reliability and validity for your project. If you were reporting on Sociodemographic Characteristics of Respondents by Housing Types, what characteristics would you want to include? How would you use visual aids in your report? Use APA format in a minimum 250-word essay.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
1 You came across an article for your project, and need to determine its reliability and validity for your project A reliable source is one whose information may also be correlated with other sources. It must show consistency of findings. The date when it was also written shows if it is reliable especially if we need the latest information. Moreover, the content should be checked if it is relevant to the project I am doing CITATION Uni18 \l 13321 (University of California , 2018). To determine the validity of an article as a source for a project. There are many considerations to take. One is to determine the author of the article. The author must be an expert on the topic or that he or she is from a reputable institution or organization. Next is to know how the information on the article was derived. This may be known if the article has reliable references and that these are also cited on the article. A valid source is also one which is peer-reviewed, which is always the case for journal articles CITATION Tch14 \l 13321 (Tchangalova, 2014). 2 If you were reporting on Sociodemographic Characteristics of Respondents by ...
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