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Synthesis Essay On Museums Human History Customs And Traditions

Essay Instructions:

Synthesis essay for AP English language and composition class. Just like one of the required essay on the actual AP test (the synthesis prompt one). The 2007 (Form B) prompt, about two and a half pages long would be perfect. There are 6 sources that you can pick from, you only need three. The information on the first page is probably what you need to know. The structure is probably:Intro (including YTAG, hook and a quote from the introduction), 3 Body Paragraphs(each body paragraph include a different source), conclusion (restate the statement). Find connections with the introduction.thanks,

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Museums are arguably the preservation of human history customs and traditions exhibited under one roof. It is critical to mention that while there are good exhibits that are catchy, a lot of work is done behind the scenes to ensure that the correct content is exhibited. Making money, historic preservation and culture as a way of life is some guiding principles when decisions are made on which exhibit should be placed in a museum. As will be discussed herein, a most critical decision that a person securing a work of art within a museum should focus on the identity people get from artistic work and artifacts, the significance of the art to the future generation in historic preservation and on the cost of maintenance and security of the art.
When securing a work of art in a museum, it is important for the organizers to factor in the cost of maintenance and security of a painting. Some art work is costly to collect, acquire, maintain and secure. Therefore, a lot of human resource persons are needed to ensure that such security or safety of the art is guaranteed. According to Source A, there were a lot of financial and management deficits threatened the very existence of a museum. The cost of operation deficit recurring had hit about one million USD according to Rockefeller. The attempts to raise money during the 13th anniversary were also not able to secure adequate resources to bail out the situation. Poor management structure also was a causal effect of the downfall of the organization. The board of trustees was able to make unanimous decisions which costed the museum. It should, however, be noted that these board members would acquire any work of art, overstock the place and create individual interest levels. As such, it is critical that when deciding what should come in and out of a museum, it is essential to factor in the cost and security of the artifact. The cost would be in terms of how much is the acquisition price, and what would be needed to preserve the integrity and originality of the art. Operational value determines the sustainabil...
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