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Relevance of Moment and Motor Activities on Children in Preschool Classroom

Essay Instructions:

Observation:  Movement Activities
Movement activities are a natural part of the play for young children of all ages.  Physical movement activities are generally divided into two types—gross motor and fine motor.  Both fine (small) and gross (large) motor activities need to be encouraged with young children.  Gross motor skills develop in your children prior to fine motor skills.
Young children, for example, will be quite good at walking and running when they enter preschool.  Skipping, galloping, and hopping develop later.  The fine motor skills, however, are most often less developed in young children.  Movement activities can be quite effective in working on these skills in a fun, positive way.
Since young children really enjoy physical activities, the wise teacher can incorporate practice of fine motor skills in a pleasurable way.  The following general teaching suggestions include activities for both fine and gross motor skill development.  Of course, skill level of the children will determine which of these suggestions to incorporate in the movement program.
For this assignment, observation gross and fine motor activities in a preschool classroom.  Choose one or several of the below activities to observe or use with children.  Describe your experience.  What was the most successful activity?  The least?  Why?  How would you adjust these activities for older children?  Do you feel that older children still need gross motor activities?  Why?
Gross Motor Activities
Encourage climbing activities (within reason, but a child is usually more capable than overly cautious adults give credit for).Encourage jumping activities: hopscotch, jumping rope, broad jump, hop-skip-jump activities, etc.Encourage running activities.Encourage proper walking activities; stress and emphasize arm movement with legs and chest “out,” chin up.Encourage throwing and catching games: ball, balloons, objects, etc.  Use different sizes and weights.Encourage other physically-oriented games: tag, hide-and-seek, Simon Says, Captain-May-I, follow the leader, etc.Encourage skipping activities.Encourage calisthenics.Encourage dancing activities.10. Encourage the walking of steps.
11. Encourage the development of muscular strength.  Pushing and pulling activities will help.
12. Encourage kicking activities.
13. When choosing equipment, look for various types that can be used both indoors and outdoors.   An old tire swing is an inexpensive playground toy.  Also consider barrels, ropes, pipes, boxes, etc.
Fine Motor Activities
Encourage balancing activities: walk on a board, walk on a line, stand on one leg, walk heel-to-toe, etc.  You can also have the child balance something on her head, hand, etc.Encourage eye movement activities: tracking from left to right, pointing, eyes following a moving object, “flashlight writing.”Develop the ability to stop an action as in games of “statue” or “freeze.”  This helps promote general, as well as specific, motor control and coordination.Promote both near point and far point vision, changing frequently.

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Moment Activities
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Moment Activities
Moment activities turn out to be necessary, being part and parcel of everyday play for children. Both gross motor and fine motor activities play a critical role in the development of children as far as physical activity is concerned. In a preschool classroom, various fine and gross motor activities are primarily observed in children and need to be encouraged or further developed.
First, encouraging dancing activities is one of these activities. Dancing activities provide various advantages to children from multiple dimensions. From my experience with children, children love to dance. Dancing can be a hobby and an art. Besides, dancing can also be considered a physical activity. Therefore, engaging children with dancing activities help develop their physical strength, relieves them of stress, and acts as a way of instilling art and developing talent. According to research, dancing engages almost every part of the body, including the brain, and therefore, it promotes good health (dos Santos et al., 2021). Besides, since children will always presume to be taking dancing activities as a hobby, physical fitness will result from the activity without their knowledge. From experience, engaging children with direct physical activity is challenging, but through dancing, their participation in physical activity is made possible. Dancing activities turned out to be the most successful activity among gross motor activities because of the easiness entailed in its actualization.
Besides, other physically-oriented games such as tag and hide-and-seek are also implemented easily amongst chi...
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