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Questions on Larissa Lai’s "When Fox is a Thousand"

Essay Instructions:

Questions on Larissa Lai’s When Fox is a Thousand.

1) What is the relationship between the fox and the human beings in Larissa Lai’s novel When Fox is a Thousand? How does such the relationship facilitate the development of the plot? (must answer)
2) The recorded lecture presents two different reviews on the novel:
a) “She sweeps our imagination with the flick of a fox’s tail, the gleam of an eye. Myth and contemporary reality converge with such grace and clarity—I am deeply moved.” Hiromi Goto (Lai, back cover)
b) “[t]he three narrative voices don’t seem altogether complementary, and the interweaving of the three never succeeds in providing moments of dramatic enlightenment. They all sound much the same.” David Helwig (qtd. in Kim, Christine. “Troubling the Mosaic: Larissa Lai’s When Fox Is a Thousand, Shani Mootoo’s Cereus Blooms at Night, and Representations of Social Differences.” Asian Canadian Writing Beyond Autoethnography. Eds. Eleanor Ty and Christl Verduyn. Waterloo: WLUP, 2008. p.169)

What do you think of the two reviews? To what extend do you agree or disagree with them? Please explain the reason according to your understanding of the theme and narrative structure of the novel. (must answer)

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Questions on Larissa Lai’s When Fox is a Thousand
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Questions on Larissa Lai’s When Fox is a Thousand
Question 1
The fox is an interesting character in "When Fox Is a Thousand." It can turn into different things after every few years. It could even turn into a human being. Also, it can attain mythical powers, which happens when it turns a thousand. The fox is instrumental to the story because it represents the yearnings of human beings, including those in the novel. When it turns humans into different things, it can do all the things humans wished they would. It interrupts their lives, adds to, and takes away from the parts where they are excessive. Hence Lai's novel is not only mystical but a depiction of real life. Life has a way of supplementing when one is needed, and it also has a way of taking away when one has too much. One can try to live a life of balance, but there is always an unexplained force that gives and takes away. In religion, people know this force as God, and in other beliefs, it is mythical powers or the very forces of the universe that always seek to restore balance.
Lai's novel reads like a fairy tale. The fox, and the relationship it has with the human characters in the novel, serve to reinforce this fairy tale. The fox can achieve almost anything because it has the power to turn into differen...
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