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The Relationship Between American Gun and Gaming Culture which may Result to Mental Issues

Essay Instructions:

With the Final Research Essay assignment, you will be tasked with selecting a particular videogame or element of videogame culture and examining it through a theoretical lens of your own devising. Think about all of the texts we have read throughout the course as potential examples to try and emulate. How did their authors choose to pair particular videogames and theories? What concepts and case studies did they focus on to make their arguments? With all of this in mind, what is a concept (mechanic, fandom, community, practitioner, platform, tool, plotline, character, etc.) that you find to be particularly exciting and how might you be able to build an essay around it? The goal of this paper should be to provide a novel and insightful argument that could potentially be interesting or useful to the field of game studies. What are some areas that you think are lacking within the field that deserve more attention? Or what are some topics that could benefit from being analyzed from a perspective that you believe they aren’t often examined from?
You may submit your assignment as either a 1000-1500 word text file or a 10-15 minute recorded slide presentation. Your Final Research Essay will ideally achieve all of the following:
- Adhere to the standard academic essay structure (an introduction with a thesis statement and/or research questions, followed by 2-3 body paragraphs where you make the bulk of your main arguments, followed by a conclusion, followed by a work cited or bibliography).
- Present clear, easily understood, and insightful arguments and descriptions related to your chosen topic.
- Properly cite research sources, but not so much that your cited text outweighs your own writing. The goal of this assignment is for you to demonstrate your own essay writing skills and rely too heavily on long block quotations will interfere with this.
- You do not necessarily have to stick to the topic you previously proposed in your Essay Proposal and Annotated Bibliography assignment, but you should still be referencing at least two assigned readings and one external reading.
- Include a properly formatted (MLA, APA, or Chicago) work cited or bibliography page that lists all of the texts and games you reference in your essay.
The Final Research Essay is meant to combine all of the analytical, research, and writing skills you have been developing previously throughout the course. Like many of the previous assignments, this is meant to provide a set of tools related to publication within the fields of game studies and videogame criticism, as well as to deeply analyze topics related to videogames and their culture. You will be graded on how well you adhere to the instructions listed above in addition to the overall quality of your writing (clear, easy to understand, no typos present, and falls within the expected word count range).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Intersection Between the American Gun Culture and Gaming
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The Intersection Between the American Gun Culture and Gaming
The United States has had to deal with the challenge of gun violence over the years. This essay tries to answer whether there is any relationship between gun violence and the gaming culture, which is sometimes exacerbated by mental health problems. Several games, including Doom, Call of Duty, and Grand Theft Auto, will answer this question. The United States is the leading country in the developed world, with many people killed each year due to gun violence. However, despite the large numbers of people killed, there is still opposition from some community sectors to have strict regulations on gun ownership. People opposed to the regulation claim that the problem in the United States is not the availability of guns but rather the gaming culture and mental health issues. Some theories that will be used to analyze gun violence and how gaming culture affects people include responsibilization theory, magic Bullet theory, and cultivation theory.
Does the interaction between the American Gun and Gaming culture contribute to gun violence exacerbated by mental health problems?
The Intersection Between the American Gun Culture and Gaming
 The availability of guns is not the reason why there are many mass shootings in the country. The number of people who purchased guns during the COVID pandemic has been high compared to other years (Sola, 2021). According to Sola (2021), society needs to try and understand why people desire to have guns. Several factors motivate an individual to own a firearm (Romer & Jamieson, 2014). Video games are of the factors that have been linked to the desire for people to have guns. The gun culture has become embedded in US society because the weapons have been normalized in the virtual world. The gun culture and gaming culture are symbiotic because the games increase the desire for a person to own a gun.
During the COVID pandemic, most people stayed at home either watching movies or playing video games. As more people became accustomed to seeing guns and using them in video games, they felt the need to buy the weapons (Sola, 2021). The main issue that society should be concerned about is why people desire guns and the interventions that have to be put in place to limit the desire to own a firearm. The more people have fun with virtual guns, the more they desire to buy the weapons (Romer & Jamieson, 2014). The guns should not be blamed for the mass shooting because this is not the root cause of the problem. Some people bought the guns, but they used the weapons to commit mass shootings because they had mental health issues.
 At the early stages of playing video games, a teenager may be sheltered from the need to buy a real gun (Turel, 2020). A video game will offer an alternative to purchasing and using a gun because they have virtual weapons. However, there are times when aggressive behaviors overpower the positive displacement force, which may make a person buy and use a gun for mass shootings (Turel, 2020). The increase in the use of firearms in videos has led to a normative belief that guns should be used for violent purposes (Romer & Jamieson, 2014). Although everybody does not hold such beliefs, a weapon in the hands of a person with a mental illness will often be used for violence because movies have portrayed guns.
 Some of the concepts that have been used in this research include fandom, community, and plotline concepts. The use of cultivation theory will also determine the relationship between violent video games and violent behavior among teenagers (Romer & Jamieson, 2014). The cultivation theory analyzes how the media influences the values and beliefs that a person may perceive as usual. When a child is constantly exposed to violent video games, they may start perceiving some of the actions and the behaviors of people in the video game as accurate. Because a young person's mind is still evolving, it might be hard to differentia...
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