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Comparing How the Theme of Heroism is Addressed in Beowulf and Morte D'arthur

Essay Instructions:

• Write an essay in response to ONE of three topics provided on the following page, using the primary texts covered this term:
The Dream of the Rood
“I sing of a maiden”
“Adam Lay Bound”
“What is he, this lordling, that cometh from the fight”
Morte Darthur
The Tempest
Holy Sonnet 18
The Redemption
Paradise Lost
Write an essay in response to ONE of these topics:
1. Compare how the theme of heroism is addressed in two texts from two different periods, with a particular focus on literary devices and genre features. Your essay should also establish a connection between the texts and the historical and social context in literary period(s) from which they emerge.
2. Compare how the theme of women’s roles is addressed in two texts from two different periods, with a particular focus on literary devices and genre features. Your essay should also establish a connection between the texts and the historical and social context in literary period(s) from which they emerge.
3. Compare how the theme of the villain figure is addressed in two texts from two different periods, with a particular focus on literary devices and genre features. Your essay should also establish a connection between the texts and the historical and social context in literary period(s) from which they emerge.Remember to structure your paper with a clear introduction and thesis statement, followed by analysis and a significant conclusion. Your argument should be supported with specific examples (details!) from the texts you are writing about. Successful essays will demonstrate detailed familiarity with the texts on the pensum, as well as the literary, historical, and cultural frameworks that the texts emerge from. Good essays have focus, coherence, unity, and good organization.
The word limit is 1500 words, +/- 10%.
• You will upload your finished essay as a PDF file. Please make your document conform to the following formatting: 12-point font double-spaced indent each new paragraph (no need to leave a space between paragraphs), 1.5 spaced lines.
• You need to provide citations for quotations from the texts and also give credit for ideas you have used from other people’s writing (whether you are directly quoting or not). For this essay exam, you should put the name of the author and page number in parentheses (i.e., MLA format). For the Work Cited, you should also include title of the work, publisher and publication year.

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Human societies hold many values with great admiration, and depending on each society, characters who portray the desired values are respected and praised. Ideally, as social beings, humankind is propelled to generate certain ideals regarding behaviour and social interactions to adhere to their human nature. Nature in this sense could imply the intrinsic values, believes and characters that transcend demographic differences among human societies. The nature of human beings, in this case, might be their attachment to spirituality, fear or bravery, among others. Many poets, narrators and artists have created literature masterpieces to portray specific values for their community. Nonetheless, these values do change over time and across geographical borders; in other words, what constitutes as heroic in one location may not be the same in another. Using Beowulf and Morte D'arthur, it is possible to compare how the theme of heroism is addressed in two texts from two different periods, focusing on literary devices and genre features.
"Beowulf" is a heroic epic about a warrior called "Beowulf," who serves as an aide to the ruler of Hrothgar, whose realm is under siege by a monster known as "Grendel." Beowulf's actual presence in the poem demonstrates that he is a deserving embodiment of the hero's tag. He is gallant, powerful, noble, and magnificent and faithful to his master, Hygelac. After fifty years of rule over the realm of Geats, a deadly dragon appears and threatens Beowulf's kingdom, causing him to flee. Beowulf learns about Grendel from the very beginning of the story, and the readers would at the moment assume that the hero will ultimately confront the monster. He goes out on a mission to vanquish it, but he is killed during the process. Beowulf used his power and abilities to slay Grendel and Grendel's mother, after which he is crowned King of the Geats as a result of his accomplishments. The poet used foreshadowing to illustrate how the hero will eventually slay the dragon and restore peace to the country in the future. He describes the latter half of Beowulf's life, during which the hero rose to the position of king. In preparation for the battle with the dragon, the poet uses flashbacks to tell of the many battles that Beowulf has fought and conquered over the years. Beowulf utilized his authority to restore order, preserve peace, and revenge wrongs, as described in this assessment. As a warrior, Beowulf is bound by his heroic code, which mandates him to react to every bravery test and fight to the end.
Ideally, the virtues of courage, bravery, and the willingness to battle are fundamental for heroic work, and Beowulf adheres to these ideals from the very outset of his story. He battles the monster and defeats him after promising himself that he would "settle the result in single combat." This monologue acts as a self-assuring motivation for Beowulf. When he travels in search of Grendel's mother, these words ring in his ears once again. Once he is aged, he demonstrates his courage when he battles his final adversary, the dragon. He learns to be a dragon killer, but only at the expense of his ow...
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