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Leading Causes of Air Pollution in Canada and Policies and Laws to Reduce Pollution

Essay Instructions:

Length: 1000 to 1250 words (roughly 4 to 5 pages double spaced) not including references
This paper will consist of a response to one of the questions below. The paper must identify an argument related to the question and support that argument with evidence from academic sources. The argument should be stated clearly in a thesis statement and then supported throughout the paper using sources as evidence. The paper will be evaluated based not on the position you decide to support, there is no right or wrong answer, but on the quality of your argument and how you deploy evidence (your sources) to support that argument.
In writing your paper, you must use at least 4 sources. 2 sources can be from course readings and you must locate at least 2 additional academic sources. You may of course also use additional readings from the course or other sources located by you. All sources must be referred to in the text of the paper and not just listed in the bibliography (as per standard APA rules).
Your paper must include:
An introduction including a clear statement of your thesis in support or opposition to the question posed.
A clearly developed argument, using evidence from your 4 academic sources, in support of your thesis.
A conclusion that restates your thesis and the argument found in your paper.
The paper must use the APA citation and reference list format.
Question (choose one)
1. Choose one of the environmental issues we study this term (species at risk, water, pollution, climate change) and then choose one policy from somewhere in Canada (federal, provincial, or local) that addresses that issue. Is this policy an effective response to that issue? For example, you could select the federal Species at Risk Act (2002) and argue that it is not an effective protection for endangered species in Canada. Your paper would then provide evidence for that argument.
2. Many (if not all) environmental problems have a distributional element. They, or the public policies that address (or cause) these problems have a disproportionate impact on some people. For this paper you must select an environmental issues and research how that issue disproportionately affects a group in Canada based on race, culture, or gender (or some other characteristic). For example, you could argue that indigenous people in Canada (or a specific place in Canada) are disproportionately affected by the pollution of water.
The assignment will be submitted automatically to Ouriginal (replacing Turnitin) for a textual similarity analysis

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Pollution in Canada
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Pollution in Canada
Pollution is an environmental issue that is affecting people across the globe. In this essay, I will examine pollution and identify the various hard-hit areas by this problem. I will also analyze the efforts and the policies that have been put in place to ensure that the people of Canada are not adversely affected by pollution. Despite the efforts that different agencies have made, it can be challenging for a person not to be affected by pollution, especially if they live in a country like Canada. Pollution affects different people depending on where they come from and the laws that exist in their jurisdictions.
 Pollution in Canada
  Many if not all environmental problems have a distributional element. The public policies that address (or cause) these problems have a disproportionate impact on some people, depending on the areas they live in. The people living in urban areas, for example, are prone to experiencing noise pollution compared to the people living in urban areas. This is because the people living in urban areas stay in congested regions, live in tight spaces, and are often near roads (Government of Canada, 2020). The convenience of town life makes it easy for the people in these places to be affected by noise pollution. The cars, buses, and trains have to pass near the town residents to drop people to their destinations. On the other hand, the people in the rural areas are sparsely populated, and there is hardly any traffic, and thus they are not affected much by noise pollution.
  Air pollution is another factor that disproportionate impacts more people in Canada compared to other individuals. The people who live in the urban areas are more affected by air pollution than those living in rural communities. The main reason they are the people living in the urban centers are affected by pollution compared to those living in the rural areas is their proximity to cars and industries (Government of Canada, 2020). Apart from those in mining, the companies that operate in Canada prefer the urban centers because of the ease of getting labor. People are also drawn to these areas because of the availability of jobs. The relationship between the people in towns and the factories can thus be summed up as symbiotic. As more people get closer to cities, so does their chance of being affected by pollution caused by the companies that do not use clean energy.
Leading Causes of Air pollution.
  The causes of pollution in Canada are broad and diverse. Some of the causes of air pollution are volcanoes and forest fires. Such pollutions are natural, and there is little that a person can do to control them. However, the majority of the pollution in the country is caused by human activities. Such pollutions include transportation, manufacturing, and extraction of oil and gas. Pollution, especially air pollution in Canada, is caused by human activities. The leading cause of pollution is the cars that emit carbon dioxide as they move from one place to another. Millions of vehicles travel from one place to another in Canada (Government...
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