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Discussions: Reids Strategies, Important Writing Goals

Essay Instructions:

Page 1:Overview of this Discussion Activity Carefully read Louann Reid’s “Teachers Writing for Publication: Tips from a Teacher, Author, and Editor” and summari ze the strategies most important to you in your writing process(in attachments) . Instructions for this Discussion Activity Use this assignment to think through things you are already doing well as a writer moving towards publication as well as to learn strategies for i mproving your professional writing practices. This activity is worth 30 points. In order to get your full point value, you need to: 1. Explain which of Reid’s strategies you are already using ( 10 points) – Do you write regularly? Keep a reading journal? Regularly read the kinds of things you want to write? If you are not already doing some of the things Reid suggests, why not? Lack of time? Beginning writer? Obstacles or frustrations? 2. Summarize the strategies that seem most useful for you at this st age of your writing and explain why these are useful (1 0 point s ) ; 3. Set writing goals for yourself and begin a file of possible writing projects (10) – Define your 3 most important writing goals and come up with 2 possible writing projects. Page 2: M 3 Discussion Activity _ Genres, Publications, and Writing Identities This activity builds on the work you have so far been doing researching markets and writing communities and prepares you to develop an idea for a publication venue. Overview of this Di scussion Activity I want you to use discussion activity to think more deeply about the kinds of writing you do (or want to do), the journals, magazines, and venues that publish the kinds of things you want to write, and how your writing identity fits with in the genre requirements of your target publication venues. Over the next three weeks, you will be doing a combination of reading / researching and writing about how your own work fits with the publications you are reading. Instructions for this Dis cussion Activity In this discussion posting, I would like for you to post an explanation of your writing genre and publication ambitions – what do you write and where/how do you want to publish it? I would also like you post an overview of some of the mo st important publication venues appropriate to you writing goals. This is a graded discussion activity worth 10 points. In order to get your full point value, you need to demonstrate: 1. Understanding of yourself as a writer (5 points) – Carefully explain what you write, why, and your goals as a writer; 2. Understanding of your potential audience and market ( 5 points) – D escribe 2 – 3 publications most important to what you write and explain what these sources publish, who reads them, and what the genre expec tations are. Page 3: extra if needed

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reid’s Strategies
Louann Reid provides a number of strategies that can be exceptionally helpful to an aspiring writer or author. A number of these strategies resonate with me as I already utilize them. I will analyze some of these providing the rationale behind them. I set writing goals for myself. These goal provide a target which I attempt to reach every week. The goals are critical in ensuring that I remain focused on my long term writing goals. Further, the goals provide a platform for practice through which I become a better writer. I also read journals extensively. Journals provide articles with critical up to date information that is factual and the level of writing is thorough. It also allows me to appreciate the level of mastery required to get an article published in a distinguished journal.
As indicated above, I write regularly. I also keep a writing journal. However, I am yet to join a writing group. Partly due to a lack of time. However, I also feel that my writing process is at its best when I am alone. Significant challenges in writing include lack of sufficient time as well as lack of inspiration. However, I have set aside time for writing per week and I have set stringent deadlines for myself.
Useful Strategies
I think the most useful strategies are knowing the potential readers of my work and learning from rejection. These strategies provide opportunity for growth. Understanding one’s readers allows a writer to develop their writing skills to best match what the reader desires. Learning from rejection forces a writer to continue writing despite a continued state of rejection while celebrating successes however minute.
Important Writing Goals
* To improve the general quality of my writing by learning new and different writing styles.
* To publish an article in a topic of interest in a respected journal that has national or international circulation
* To write a fictional novel and have it published.
Writing Projects
Project 1 – I would like to write on how the negativity surrounding the LGBT community especially among students affect their academic work. The project would also look at how students have to deal with the psychological turmoil of their sexual orientation. I would wish to write the project based on stories of real people and chronicle their ...
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