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International health

Essay Instructions:
please help me ensure that good job is done and he adhere strictly to the instruction!!!!! REFLECTIVE PAPER The reflective paper must have two elements. First, explain why you are taking this course and what you hope to learn. Second, say what you personally think is right now a major issue in international health and why you think it is a major issue. This paper should reflect your own views and as such you do not need to use any references. This assignment should be 500 words. Marks will be deducted if the paper is shorter than 450 words or longer than 550 words. For each 50 words or part thereof outside this limit 1 mark (out of 15) will be deducted, e.g., if the paper is 580 words 1 mark will be deduced, if it is 620 words 2 marks will be deducted. This assignment will be marked on the following: writing style, organization, how clearly you express your views. No references are necessary unless you are making factual statements, e.g., a statement such as “newborn infants are only being screened for 28 genetic disorders” would need a reference. Formatting requirements: - Typed on 8.5 x 11 inch paper - 12 point font - Double spaced - 1 inch margins - Spell-checked - Title page must have the following: o Your name o My name o Date of submission o Course number o Word count If the paper does not follow this style then 1 mark will automatically be deducted. YOU CAN KNOW ABOUT THE COURSE BY READING THROUGH THIS READINGS January 8 - Lecture 1: An introduction to the course: what are “international agencies” and why are they involved in health care issues? This lecture will introduce a taxonomy to classify the different types of international agencies, broadly outline their reasons for being involved in health care and describe how they work. Readings: The major international health organizations. Available at: http://www(dot)imva(dot)org/Pages/orgfrm.htm January 15 - Lecture 2: Coalitions Looks at the People's Health Movement. Why it originated, what its objectives are and the outcome of the third People's Health Assembly. Readings: R. Narayan & C. Schuftan. The People's Health Movement: A People's Campaign for Health for All – Now! Perspectives on Global Development and Technology 2004;3(1-2):235-243. In course reader Werner D, Sanders D. Liberation from what? A critical reflection on the People's Health Assembly, 2000 (PHA 2000). Available at http://www(dot)healthwrights(dot)org/hw/content/newsletters/HW-NL44.PDF People's Health Assembly 3: Cape Town Call to Action. Available at http://www(dot)phmovement(dot)org/sites/www(dot)phmovement(dot)org/files/Call%20to%20Action%20FINAL_0.pdf
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International Health
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Course Number:
Word Count: 550 words
International health
International agencies have long been involved in healthcare provision including foundation groups and faith based organizations. Nonetheless, there has been a gradual shift with the entry of bigger organizations including the World Bank; they now compete in health care funding in the third world countries. However, the involvement of the World Bank and similar organizations is controversial as they are ideologically motivated, whereby their policies are seen as an extension of the North’s influence in the South. High mortality rate from communicable diseases in the Third world is still an issue, and increased funding has been unsuccessful in combating them. It is relevant understand the impact of international agencies on health care policy formulation in the third world.
The shift in focus from faith based organizations and other international health agencies to the entry of the World Bank is a worrying situation. Though, most of the earlier agencies did not have a lot of funds they tend to be more involved in the grassroots than bigger organizations. Most the international health agencies call for more liberalization of the economy as a condition to donor aid. Because poorer nations have less influence in the international scene they mostly accept the severe conditions. In essence, these organizations extend the political influence of the North through their policies and therefore do not care about the health needs of the third world.
The course clearly highlights my belief that privatization of healthcare negatively impacts on the Third World’s healthcare needs. The entranc...
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