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Reflective Analysis on Communication Challenges

Essay Instructions:

For this final reflection, please respond to the questions below. You will need to watch the videos of your 3 speeches and provide specific examples from them.

Your paper should be 3 double-spaced pages or more, using 12-point Times New Roman font. No cover page or reference page is needed. Please upload your reflection in the Assignments folder.

What were your communication challenges at the beginning of the course?

Please review the personal and professional goals you identified in the Week 1 discussion. How well did you meet them? Based on the course, have you created any new goals for yourself?

How have you progressed in your interpersonal communication abilities? What do you want to keep working on?

How has your understanding of nonverbal communication improved? How aware are you of the messages you send? How are you better able to decode other people’s nonverbal messages?

In thinking about your speeches, were your messages easy to follow? How could the organization have been improved?

Did you like having the opportunity to re-do the Elevator Pitch? Explain why/why not.

How successful were your introductions, bodies, and conclusions? Again, be specific with examples.

Did your language, voice, and body language enhance or harm your communications effort? Be as precise as you can, and comment on both verbal and nonverbal aspects of your delivery.

In your estimation, what were the most effective aspects of your messages?

What are you the most proud of accomplishing through this course?

What advice would you offer to future students of Foundations of Oral Communication?

Are there any content areas that you would like covered in more detail? Are there areas that you think don't need to be included in the course?

https://youtu(dot)be/4xIVCPrMsasn (first Video)

https://youtu(dot)be/9DVX2oUjuSQ (second video)

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Reflective Analysis Essay
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Reflective Analysis Essay
People often assume that proper communication is simple. This is not the case, as I have come to find out in this course. At the beginning of the course, I experienced several communication challenges, with the main challenge being inconsistent speech flow. This is because I often had to look back to the paper where I had written the speech, especially when quoting other writers within my speech, such as the director of operations for John Hopkins Medicine, Lawrence Su. Additionally, maintaining constant eye contact with my audience was another challenge since I had to go back to the speech paper to ensure I remained relevant to the subject of the speech. Additionally, repeating hard words was another challenge I faced, to get the proper pronunciation of these words. A good example from my speech is the word feasibility.
Although there were a lot of communication challenges in my first week of this course, I believed that this course would help me become better at communicating and speech presentation. To improve my communication skills, I set some personal and professional goals, which I tried to meet as this course progressed. Additionally, I discovered there was a lot to be learned about communication, which made me revise some of my initial goals and add on them. Some of these personal goals include; fluency in speech, the proper pronunciation of words, and proper use of non-verbal cues. I was able to properly pronounce most words as the course progressed and use non-verbal cues efficiently. Fluency and consistency in speech presentation are the challenges I am currently having, but I am determined to work on them.
Additionally, I desire to maintain eye contact with those I speak to and ensure every word I say is clearly heard by those listening to me. This is what I have been working on in my interpersonal communication abilities. Most of my friends claim that I have improved my speech clarity. I am proud that I get along well with most of my friends, for we always ensure everyone expresses themselves well. Implementing what I learned in class has helped me become more open-minded, especially in understanding others from a cultural and social perspective.
For a long time, I did not know the impact of nonverbal communication until I properly understood the effects of nonverbal cues in this course. Through this course, I have improved how to send the right message, both verbally and nonverbally, effectively. Moreover, I can now be able to clearly decode other people’s nonverbal messages, knowing when to act or speak from the way they express themselves facially. Through nonverbal communication, I can now clearly know when someone is afraid, surprised, or even lyi...
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