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Social Media: Harm or Help Relationships

Essay Instructions:

Appeals to authority, arguments from analogy, statistical syllogisms, inductive generalizations, and inferences to the best explanation.

Choose three of these five argument forms and create an example of each. Your arguments do not have to be great arguments (you will analyze their quality below), but they should clearly be instances of the argument types you chose (make sure to indicate what argument type each one is).

After each argument, provide a brief analysis of its quality. Is it strong? Is it cogent? (Be sure to read the definitions from the text.) What might be done to improve the argument? What can people do to better understand and apply this type of argument in general?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Social Media Harm or Help Relationships
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Appeals to authority.
Social media harms relationships. According to American Psychological Association (APA), social media contribute to unrealistic expectations and unhealthy comparisons among couples. As a result, couples are forced to spend more of their time together, curating false images of themselves rather than focusing on the health of their relationship. More so, research proves that social media promotes poor body image, anxiety, and depression, which significantly reduces the quality of relationships (Walton, 2010). The argument supports the argument solely because an expert or a valid authority has said that social media significantly impacts relationships. The argument is cogent, which means that it establishes probable support for the conclusion. Expert evidence or valid authority sets the basis for probable conclusions. The premise that social media promotes unhealthy comparison is valid. To improve this argument, the use of facts as evidence is vital. Appeals to the authority set the tone in every argument, but the best way to utilize it is to avoid reliance on appeals that are not factual, or data supported. The reliance on testimonies does not establish an ideal argument. 
Statistical syllogisms
Accordingly, most people who have more than one social media accounts are likely to be in unhappy relationships. For example, since Kevin has more than two social media accounts, he is likely to be in an unhappy relationship. This is an example of statistical syllogism, and clearly, there is a generalization in this example, with the argument seeking to conclude the established generalization. Statistical syllogism is cogent mainly because it argues from a true generalizatio...
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