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In What Ways are we a Reflection of our Parents. Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

No matter how hard we try to avoid becoming our parents, we

always end up a reflection of who they are. So to the point: in focusing on

our theme of Identity, in what ways are you like your parents? What traits

have you inherited from them? What points of view? What political opinions?

What philosophy of life?Please write a two-three page response

based on the question above. In what ways are you a reflection of your

parents? feel free to include experiential details from your own life to enhance your claims.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

In What Ways are we a Reflection of our Parents
In What Ways are we a Reflection of our Parents
Parents play a significant role in the growth and development of children from childhood up to adulthood. At the latter stage, the child is expected to have formed their own personalities and identities, which are often deemed unique or different from one person to the other. Nevertheless, the differences existing between one person and the other are dependent on the parents’ distinct influence on their lives. Siblings may also exhibit differences in personalities, values, and beliefs depending on the impact or the extent of their parents’ influence on their lives. One child may pick up the complexion, character traits, or even behaviors of one of the parents, while the other takes after both or the other parents features across the outlined parameters. As children grow up into the adolescent stage and early into their adulthood, they begin to form their own perceptions, values, and identities on the belief that they want to become independent persons that are unique, different, or free from their parental influences and origins. However, no matter how hard we try fighting off our upbringing or avoid becoming our parents, we always end up being a reflection of who they are. The identities we form usually form around the parents’ influence in our growth and development in the society. The personalities we form or character traits through which the society defines us are also inherited the parents. Parents further play an integral role in determining our perceptions of life and political orientations, which we hold on to our adult lives despite the external influences from schools or other interactive platforms in life.
My parents have always been outgoing individuals with a big heart for helping others out when they are in need. It is a common feature that they share between themselves and I think it played a significant role in their union in marriage of over forty years now. I could never understand why they would so quick and kind to helping even strangers or people with who we shared no relations at all. My dad for, instance, would offer to help the needy students from our community in getting the required books and materials required for school. My mother, on the hand, would always be busy volunteering the community workshops aimed at giving assistance to the elderly within the neighborhood. The concern for the well-being of other people other than members of their family was a cause for wonder in my childhood as I often found it d...
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