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Fences and The Sins of the Father—We are Reflection of our Parents

Essay Instructions:

No matter how hard we try to avoid becoming our parents, we always end up a reflection of who they are. So to the point: in focusing on our theme of Identity, in what ways are you like your parents? What traits have you inherited from them? What points of view? What political opinions?

What philosophy of life?

Please write a two-three page response based on the question above. In what ways are you a reflection of your parents? feel free to include experiential details from your own life to enhance your claims.

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Fences and “The Sins of the Father”
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Fences and “The Sins of the Father”
In focusing on our theme of identity, in what ways you are like your parents? What traits have you inherited from them? What points of view? What political opinions? What philosophy of life?
Parents play a big role in the lives of their children, and this happens through their right show of love, their quest to provide for their children, and in their long presence in the lives of their children. While some parents give up their social life and promotions to have more time with their children, other parents believe they are present for their children through material things. Well, regardless of the parent one is, the point here is that the parents greatly influence children's lives and their identity. Children inherit a lot from their parents. In a family of three children, it is possible to find one child who physically resembles the parents, another who takes after the father’s introverted or extroverted nature, and another who takes after the mother’s welcoming nature. All these identities are from one’s parents, and while some could be learned, others like physical resemblance are inherent. Well, looking at my life, I see many things that I inherited from my parents. From a physical standpoint to perceptions of life, political opinion, and philosophy of life, I see a major resemblance to my parents and this article will elucidate further while borrowing from the play Fences: The Sins of the Father.
My parents are some of the nicest people in the world. From a young age, I saw them open the door of hours to complete strangers. I never saw them flinching or whispering in each other’s ear or exchanging weird looks as most people do when strangers come knocking. Their instinctive move was to smile, hug the visitor, and invite them in for a cup of tea or for lunch depending on the time of day. I always questioned them about this, and every time they would tell me that the value of kindness is priceless. Well, I never understood that line, but I decided to practice it with my friends and strangers. Some of my friends have warned me about it, but I keep doing it and just like what my parents used to say, many people walk away smiling. My parents cared about people’s dark faces and sought to change it with simple acts like saying hi and telling people that it wil...
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