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Reading Language Arts (English II)

Essay Instructions:
Read the informational text, "It's No One's Fault When It's Everyone's Fault" to complete the following writing tasks. Part A: Reading Short Constructed Response What is one reason why the author uses the example in the first two paragraphs of the article? Support your answer with evidence from the article. Part B: Extended Constructed Responses-Argumentative Explain whether deinviduation (individuals acting as a group) does more harm than good. Support your answer with evidence from both texts. Be sure to- clearly state a reasonable idea about both texts organize and develop your idea effectively provide relevant and specific evidence from both texts choose your words carefully edit your writing for grammar, mechanic, and spelling
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Title Your Name Subject and Section Professor’s Name Date Part A The way in which the author refers to the crowd effects at the concert of The Who in Cincinnati is a good example of deindividuation which explains how people can lose their awareness of a responsible behavior under group settings. The phenomenon described here should be taken as an illustration of how group behavior can greatly affect how people act. In order to suggest the responsibility of “a crowd” for the casualties, instead of pointing fingers at some particular people, the text evidently proves the power of group identity in moments of confrontation. It simply suggests the deindividualize effect in which one acts alone without awareness of their own actions and thus only influenced by the group (Ostergaard, 2019). The packed hall and the collective exhilaration of the concert seemed to cause people to become entranced by the group dynamics, which in turn made some of them cease to notice their inner boundaries and personal accountability. As the throng menaced towards them, individuals might have been forced to trust the actions of others, even if they feared for the possible consequences. It evidences suppressing constraint formed by the collective anonymity and indeterminate responsibility of large mob people. Therefore, th...
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