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Reading Assignment: Who Eats the Mango?

Essay Instructions:

1) Reading Assignment

Read “Who Eats the Mango?” from Tippins (see Canvas-Files)

Submit written responses on Canvas:

1. Respond to the reflection/discussion questions on pp 76-77.

2) Extending question 4, based on your own experiences, give an example of a learning experience that was culturally inclusive for you and an example of one which missed the mark in that regard.

3. In “Who Eats the Mango?” on page 75 the author writes about curriculum serving as both a mirror and a window for students. Discuss this metaphor, giving examples from your observations to exemplify your thinking.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Reading Assignment
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Question 1
Before the lesson, Kim could have involved the students in planning for the lesson by exposing them to fruits and vegetables from a different culture. This exposure causes the children to reject the instruction and ultimately miss the opportunity to experience cultural diversity. Doing so would help Kim anticipate her student’s reaction to the unfamiliar plant parts. Kim, instead, missed the opportunity to use this activity as an avenue for letting her students better understand the fruits and vegetables they eat.
Question 2
The first strategy Kim might have tried to engage her students in dissecting the strange plant parts was to expand her description of fruit and vegetables. She ought not to have assumed that the children would make the connection that the new and strange fruits and vegetables are part of the same classification scheme as the more familiar ones. Her assumption made students reject the mangoes. Another strategy was to compare the new fruits and vegetables with the familiar fruits and vegetables. Kim would not have presented them as different from the rest.
Question 3
Had Kim involved students in planning for the lesson, they would have been more willing to examine the mango and other familiar plant parts. Failure for Kim to plan for the lesson by exposing them to different fruits and vegetables made them reject the mango. The students did not see the mango as part of their existing schematic repr...
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