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Race: The Power of An Illusion Program 1: The Difference Between Us

Essay Instructions:

Video Essay "Race the Power of an Illusion"

What does it mean to say that human races are a folk taxonomy or cultural categories? How do scientists explain that race is not biological, yet geography influences physical traits? Why were the students in the video surprised by the results of their genetic experiments? What does the cultural nature of race mean about the "reality" of race in people's lives?

Ask 5 people of different ages and backgrounds about the number and labels of human races. Do not tell them how either you or the text book define race. Discuss your results without giving any personal names. How do your results show that races are social and historical categories?

Use and cite Haviland Chapters 4 and 11 with page numbers and the video “Race: The Power of an Illusion.” Work from the guide questions to answer this assignment.

Write 3 pages (at least 750 words.

Directions for citing sources and for submitting your response:

The use of the words I or me is fine when referring to your own experiences and ideas. If you use an author's direct words, or almost their direct words, quotes must be used and the source (last name of author, most recent year of publication and page number from the text) must be given. For example, “Anthropology is the study of humankind in all times and places.” (Haviland 2017, 3). If re-written, mostly in your own words, you omit the quotes but DO give the author, date, and page number. When discussing a video, give the title. For a web source, give a brief address and use quotes if quoting. For example: (americananthro.org, 1/3).

the video link.


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Race as an Illusion
Race: an Illusion
Folk taxonomy is a naming system linked to vernacular rather than the scientific taxonomy. Folk taxonomy comes up on a day to day speech as formed from social knowledge. The human race is considered a folk taxonomy as it is categorically brought about by choosing characteristics and variables arbitrarily. These categories are either cultural or biological as much as they are dynamic. Examples of variables used to organize the folk taxonomy include skin color, body physique, hair color, and texture, and other choices (Haviland et al, 2017). Our assumptions of race change as time goes by. Folk taxonomies, unlike scientific taxonomies, profess to be disembedded from social relations hence, being objective and universal. Race is culturally constructed for culture makes the artificial look natural. Races are created through the social, economic, and political processes which reconstruct populations into races and create racial connotations.
Scientists define the concept of race as biological where there is discrete diversity within species. Nevertheless, the idea of race does not apply to the present-day human populations as they are described as being genetically ‘open’. An example is the frequency of blood group O being high in one population than the other but besides present in both (Haviland et al, 2017). Scientists discovered that people from the same geographical region tend to have the same skin pigmentation. The people living within the tropics possess darker skin tones, but as we proceed further, the skin gets lighter. Hence a majority of people dwelling in Australia and sub-Saharan Africa tend to be darker than those in northern America, Europe, and northern Asia. Melanin blocks out ultraviolet light found in equatorial regions of the earth where sunlight is intense, making people inhabiting these areas have dark skins as an adaptation. As we move towards the tropics, the sunlight gets less intense and the skin color gets lighter. In northern latitudes, people need every bit of light they can get during wintertime for Vitamin D hence their lighter skin is well adapted. Hence, it would be difficult for people living in the northern hemispheres to survive in the equatorial regions since they would develop sunburns (California Newsreel, 2019).
The students had premeditated thinking that people from the same ‘race’ or those with the same physical appearances share a lesser mitochondrial DNA variation than those who are divergent from them physically. That’s why the ones with darker complexion chose to compare with their ...
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