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Reading Assignment: How Full is Full

Essay Instructions:

Reading Assignment

Part 1) Provide a written response to the reflection questions for the “How Full is Full?” case study

posted to Canvas(Files).

Part 2) In the case “How Full Is Full?” find examples of each category of question described by Boaler in “The Importance, Nature and Impact of Teacher Questioning." See Canvas (Files). Write an actual question posed by the teacher in the case study for each of the categories.

Just complete this assignment as required, there is no strict word count requirement.

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Reading Assignment
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Part 1
Question 1
Carmen can involve more students in the discussion without making students shy, like Kayla, feel put on the spot by engaging students in small group discussions about the investigation. Small group discussions minimize the anxiety that many students feel when asked to participate in a class discussion. They can engage all students while creating a safe learning environment. In this way, shy students can contribute to the small group, and then their more vocal classmates can share what the group discussed.
Question 2
When a student gives a response, and the teacher is not sure whether the response is scientifically correct, the teacher should direct the student to find out something about it or tell them that you are unsure of the scientific connection between the response and the subject of study but will look for information on it.
Question 3
When a student gives an unexpected response, like the one offered by Joshua, you have to decide whether the student's answers are leading to a direction that builds on the topic of the study or the student needs to be redirected. You only decide to pursue the response if the answers to your questions are taking you in a direction that builds on the study topic. If not, you redirect the question to the response you were expecting.
Question 4
The teacher might balance the need to cover material with the desire to elicit thinking by being organized. In this case, a teacher can start with an organized list of questions to lead the discussion. This allows the teacher to lead the class into discussions that relate to the day's topic of study.
Question 5
You can help children learn to listen respectfully to each other by valuing the response of every student. Your response must be a response to the s...
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