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Different Types of Kinship and Its Importance to Family and Society

Essay Instructions:

Discuss ways in which kinship ties are or are not important in YOUR family, community and society. Explain your views giving examples, discussing nuclear and extended households, descent principles and marriage types. Cite Haviland Chapters 9 and 10 with page numbers. Interviewing family members or thinking about how much "kinship work" you do in a usual week compared to a key holiday period may help with this question. How might your experience of kinship be different if you lived in a society with unilinear kin groups? Use your Family Tree exercise to help you do this essay.

LINK toYour Family Tree Exercise

Write 2-3 pages (at least 500 words.

Directions for citing sources and for submitting your response:

The use of the words I or me is fine when referring to your own experiences and ideas. If you use an author's direct words, or almost their direct words, quotes must be used and the source (last name of author, most recent year of publication and page number from the text) must be given. For example, “Anthropology is the study of humankind in all times and places.” (Haviland 2017, 3). If re-written, mostly in your own words, you omit the quotes but DO give the author, date, and page number. When discussing a video, give the title. For a web source, give a brief address and use quotes if quoting. For example: (americananthro.org, 1/3).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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The basic definition of kinship is a bond of marriage and reproduction. Anthropologically, kinship is defined as an artifact of family, communities, and societies that governs individuals' and groups' social ties and relationships. There are several types of kinship ties, and these types dictate the levels of importance of kinships.
Most social scientists concur that kinship is determined by two major factors, i.e, birth and marriage. Consanguineal kinship ties are based on blood/birth. The word consanguineal is derived from the Latin word consanguineous, which means 'of the same blood.' (Haviland 2014, 223) It refers to the relationship between parents and their sons or daughters as well as siblings. This type of kinship is the most fundamental and universal. Also known as a primary kinship, it involves people who have direct relationships with each other. Affinal kinship ties arise from marriage. A husband-wife relationship is also deemed a basic kind of kinship. In my family, just like most of the social structures in the society, kinship is vital because of the governance aspect, defining how we relate with each other, what is taboo in terms of marital relationships, and sometimes for the legal implication of relationships (Goody 2004, 135).
Per the Sociology Group, kinship basically refers to descent, which is the socially recognized existent biological relationship among human beings. In every society, it is acknowledged that the line of descent of all offspring is from their parents and there are biological ties between children and their parents. The ancestral roots of an individual can be traced using descent, through the extended familial ties and the consequential affinal kinship ties. Lineage, which refers to the line from which descent...
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