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1 pages/≈275 words
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English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 3.6

Aviation Security System

Essay Instructions:

You know that when doing college-level research that it is important to use reliable and reputable sources. The best way to ensure that you are using these types of sources is by using the library databases. But, there is a way to search Google for reliable and reputable sources of information.

For this assignment, visit www(dot)google(dot)com and type 'airport security' in the search bar. Once the results have loaded, click on 'News' (right below the search bar). Then click on 'Tools' (to the right), and change 'Any time' to 'Past month'. From there scroll through the results and find an article that looks interesting to you. Be sure that it is about US aviation security, and that it is relevant to the course.

Read the article and prepare a 1-2 page Microsoft Word document addressing the following items:

1) What did you learn from the article?

2) How did what you learn change your opinions about aviation security?

3) Based on what you learned, how would you use that information to enhance the aviation security system?

Your paper must be 1-2 pages long and must follow the following format:

1) Microsoft Word .doc files only

2) Times New Roman 12-point font

3) 1-inch margins

4) No extra spaces between paragraphs

5) Double spaced

Submit your paper here using the 'Add a File' button. In the comments section when you upload your file, please provide the url (web address) to the article.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Aviation Security System
Institutional Affiliations
Aviation Security System
According to a CNN news article, What’s next for no-touch air travel by John Walton (2020), the aviation industry desires to improve their security systems by reducing contact during travel. Many are when one touches the cabin and at the airport or gets their belongings handled by the staff during travel. Due to the covid-19 situation, the aviation industry is being prompted to change their security systems to safeguard travelers’ wellbeing. Security checkpoints in the airport where people are required to hand over their documents and their staff’s luggage. Such points are to be improved to ensure there is minimal or no touching of property at all. This can be done by giving scanned documents via phone instead of handing in a physical document. Other areas to be chang...
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