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1 pages/≈275 words
Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
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Racism Social Injustice When It Come To Blacks

Essay Instructions:

This paper is for a middle school child. Write a letter (minimum of three paragraphs) to somebody about a social injustice (something you think is unfair) that you want fixed. It could be anything from something in our school like our lunch is too short, or something bigger like the Border Wall or separating immigrant children from their families. You need to figure out who you should address the letter to, then write your letter.

The first paragraph should include your hook and claim statement (thesis). The second paragraph should include the reasons why you feel it is unfair and what you are proposing be done to make it fair. The third paragraph should be your conclusion and restate your claim and tell your reader what you want them to do to fix the problem. Finally, you should have a closing and sign your letter.


Appropriate Greeting to Correct Person - 5 points

Paragraph 1 which includes Hook and Claim statement - 10 points

Paragraph 2 which includes reasons why unfair and what you are suggesting happen to make it fair - 10 points

Paragraph 3 - Conclusion and final call to action (what do you want them to do) - 10 points

Appropriate Closing Signature - 5 points

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Donald John Trump
President of the United States
Presidential Office at the White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington,
DC 20500, USA
Dear President Trump,
I am a child of the Earth, just as much as you are, but what you are is evil. I know love, cause that is our gift, please know it and set your heart free. The border wall that you want is something on your decree, but I know that it is unjust for the Earth belongs to humanity. Even if we may seem to have a different race, I know that the earth is our species’ place. We must protect it together by loving one another.
Mr. Trump, you may be president, but I am a planet’s citizen. Your way of ruling America is cruel, and you are an abomination. So until you learn to love, and you learn to know pain, I hope that you will wake-up. What you are doing is wrong, and I know that the world nee...
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