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1 pages/≈275 words
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English (U.S.)
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Develop a questionnaire, which can gather sufficient quantitative data to answer the research questions.

Essay Instructions:

Develop a questionnaire about 300 words,You are conducting research to study construction delays in the State of Alabama. The research questions are as follows:

My research topic: Analyzing Recycling Materials in America companies Building construction

Related topic: How many recycled materials can be used in building construction projects?

Relate topic: How to recycle materials in building construction?

Research related area Waste management, Sustainable material in building construction, BIM in construction, Recycle in Construction

The research scope includes all kinds of construction projects.


1. Develop a questionnaire, which can gather sufficient quantitative data to answer the research questions

Essay Sample Content Preview:
1 How many recycled materials can be used in building construction projects?
2 How do you recycle materials inn building construction?
3 What is the quantity of waste in terms of the volume or weight can be calculated after the construction?
4 What is the total quantity of the recycled materials are used in the process?
5 What is the cost of the recycling process?
6 What is the cost of the disposal process?
7 On a scale of 1-10, how do you rate the use of these materials in the construction sector?
8 What technologies are used in the field of smart ecology?
9 What are the key determinants that can be used to evaluate the quality of the materials?
10 What are the main factors of analysis undertaken to estimate the level of security of the devise?
How possible is it to develop a sustainable pre-ecological smart technology?
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