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What have been the primary effects of COVID-19 on society? Essay

Essay Instructions:

will be MARKED on your use of APA to format your document to apply proper in-text citations, and to include a proper Reference page for a separate 5%. Use 5 quotes total

Here are the sources you will need in the essay:

1. https://www(dot)who(dot)int/news/item/13-10-2020-impact-of-covid-19-on-people's-livelihoods-their-health-and-our-food-systems

2. https://doi-org(dot)gbcprx01(dot)georgebrown(dot)ca/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.138882

3. https://www(dot)frontiersin(dot)org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.577684/full


1003 / Fall 2020 / Essay Assignment (15%); APA Documentation (5%)




1. Write a 5-paragraph cause or effect essay (15%). Use essay structure as discussed in Weeks 3 and 4. Use up to 3 current and authoritative sources to support your points. The essay must be 600-800 words (2-3 pages), typed, double-spaced, and formatted in APA Style.


2. Use 3 sources and only 3 sources. Use the 2 sources you found for the Library Assignment and one additional source if you wish. NO MORE THAN THAT. 


3. Cite sources with in-text citations and at the end with a Reference Page using APA (Weeks 2, 6 and 11 lecture). YOU will be MARKED on your use of APA to format your document to apply proper in-text citations, and to include a proper Reference page for a separate 5%. Use 5 quotes total (direct quotes or paraphrases) so you control the amount of quoting you do and not over-quote. 


4. The essay is due by Week 12: Fri. Nov. 27.


Topics are the same as Writing Assignment 2. This means you can use the body paragraph you wrote for Writing Assignment 2 in your essay. Be sure to improve upon it.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Running head: COVID-19 ON SOCIETY1
Primary Effects of COVID-19 on Society


Primary Effects of COVID-19 on Society
Fear. Political Manipulation. Global Lockdowns. Mass interments. Harrowing Scenes of Disease, Death and Despair. This is not an end of days Hollywood movie. This is COVID-19. The outbreak of COVID-19 has introduced an unprecedented pause to the world's activities in almost about every endeavor possible: economy, social gatherings, schooling and work. The pace and scale of COVID-19 of damage is still, so far, unfolding and may never be calculable. Putting faces on numbers is just a desperate attempt to make memorable millions of lives lost, incalculable number of livelihoods ruined and dismiss current powerful and pervasive uncertainty. The current attempts to assess unfolding damages by COVID-19 are glimmers of hope to overcome and survive a pandemic still harvesting lives, jobs and communities. To put matters into more perspective, an overview, however incomplete, of COVID-19's impact is required. This short assignment aims, accordingly, to explore current and potential psychological, economical and environmental impact COVID-19 has or might have on society in order to characterize current state of damage and benefits, if any, of COVID-19.
Psychologically, current lockdowns at a global scale are already affecting well-being of millions. Fear, anxiety, panic attacks, stress and a sense of powerlessness are only a few conditions and effects of COVID-19. The sense of separation, constant fear of infection, and post-recovery depression are shown to impact millions negatively, psychologically speaking due to prolonged lockdowns (Li & Wang, 2020; Cao et al., 2020, as cited in Saladino, Algeri & Auriemma, 2020). For instance, “college students [in China] are more likely experiencing stress, anxiety, and depression than others during the pandemic.” Moreover, healthcare workers are widely reported to experience secondary traumatic stress disorder, “feeling of discomfort


experienced in the helping relationship when treatments are not available for all patients and the professional must select who can access them and who cannot” (Zaffina et al., 2014; Roden-Foreman et al., 2017; Rana et al., 2020, as cited in Saladino, Algeri & Auriemma). This is a hard choice a good many healthcare providers had to make recently, particularly in highly infected areas. In sum,the impact of COVID-19 cuts across the healthcare provision spectrum.
Economically, economic growth, once in double digits, is now below zero almost globally. Consequently, millions are expected to ...
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