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1 pages/≈275 words
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Peer Review on Healthcare Provider and Faith Diversity

Essay Instructions:

Here are some basic guidelines for the peer review assignment


*Read through peer’s Module (week) 3 Faith Diversity paper and provide constructive comments and corrections throughout the paper on how it addresses the major requirements for the FD assignment. And comment on basic APA formatting: title and reference pages, in-text citations, purpose/thesis statement, introduction/conclusion paragraph, etc. Be sure your Peer’s Mod 3 Faith Diversity Paper with your comments is submitted for this assignment…not just responses to the 3 questions.


* Assess the FD paper as well by specifically responding to ALL 3 criteria questions listed in syllabus.  Suggestion: list the questions followed by your responses.

[To make comments: in MS Word-Review>New Comment (Yellow Folder icon). in Mac-Pages>Comment. Simply highlight section for comment, then click icon and post comment.]


Your instructor will assign and send you a peer's paper from the Health Care Provider and Faith Diversity: First Draft assignment. Your job is to critically read the assignment and make corrections/comments using Track Changes in Microsoft Word.

Assess the paper on the following content:

  1. 1.     Does the paper provide sufficient evidence for its hypothesis or claim?

  2. 2.     Does the flow of the paper and sentence structure make sense?

  3. 3.     Should it be organized in a different way?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Peer Review on Healthcare Provider and Faith Diversity
Critiquing the Paper
Does the paper provide sufficient evidence for its hypothesis or claim
Author of the paper has tried so much to provide sufficient evidence to support his or claim. The paper has insightfully analyzed the connection or link between diversity of faith and provision of health care. Main aim of the paper is to clarify or shed more light on the concept spirituality in health care system from the view point of Christians and Buddhists. Furthermore, the author perfectly explored similarities and differences between these two religions on their belief towards health care. To draw comparison of Christianity and Buddhism, the author has sought to answer some philosophical questions.
Does the flow of the paper and sentence structure make sense?
When it comes to the flow of the work, the author has ni...
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