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Wellness Inventory Example

Essay Instructions:


Part I: Inventory

Spiritual and Emotional:

Complete the "EHS Personal Assessment" from the Emotionally Healthy website. (attached file name hlt 310 ehs)

Reflect on your own results. Analyze the structure and assumptions behind the assessment.


Refer to the "Are You Heading for Caregiver Burnout?" quiz.

Complete the survey and reflect on your own results. Analyze the structure and assumptions behind the assessment.

Part II: Reflection

Using the results from the resources, write a 200-250 word reflection on your results and how you plan to combat compassion fatigue and burnout, and how you plan to promote your own spiritual growth.

Elevated burnout risk ( I SCORE 31, I BELONG TO THIS GROUP)

What it means | You're likely managing caregiver stress reasonably well but falling into a common caregiver trap: Letting yourself sink lower on the daily priority list than is healthy for you. Everyone has an occasional crazy-busy day, but too many of them results in chronic stress -- which erodes well-being and places you at risk for depression, colds, and other illnesses.

What to do | Protect your time for self-care by learning 7 ways to find more "me" time. On days when you're feeling stressed, try these 5 ten-minute pick-me-ups.

Reading materials:

including the introduction from personal wellness assigment

1. Chapter 26 - Work Stress and Burnout Among Nurses: Role of the Work Environment and Working Conditions

Read "Chapter 26 - Work Stress and Burnout Among Nurses: Role of the Work Environment and Working Conditions," by Jennings, from Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses (2008).

2. Inventory of Spiritual/Emotional Maturity

Complete the EHS Personal Assessment found on the Emotionally Healthy website in order to complete the assignment in this topic.

3. Are You Headed for Caregiver Burn Out?

Complete the "Are You Heading for Caregiver Burnout?” quiz located on the Caring website.

4. Spiritual Assessment

Read "Spiritual Assessment," located on The Joint Commission website.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Personal Wellness Inventory and Reflection
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Name/Number
Instructor’s Name
Due Date
Personal Wellness Inventory and Reflection
Burnout and work-stress among nurses and clinicians have been prevalent issues that date back to mid-1950s, and work-stress in the nursing profession was first identified and evaluated in 1960 with “four sources of anxiety” which include “change, taking responsibility, decision-making, and patient care” (Jennings, 2008).
My first requirement was to take the spiritual and emotional quiz whose result showed that my emotional health falls under the category of “Emotional Adult.” What this result means is that I can accept, respect, and love others just as they are without being critical and judgmental. Further, this result means that I do not shift blame on others and I can be open-minded when discussing strengths and weaknesses. Above all, this result shows that I am well aware of Christ’s love for me and I need no evidence of this awareness.
My second requirement was to take the “Are You Headed for Caregiver Burn Out” quiz, whose result was “31,” placing me in the Elevated Burnout Risk. This result means that I often prioritize work and everything else is secondary, including my own health. This places me at an elevated risk for depression and illnesses related to stress, and it can erode my self-wellbeing. As recommended by (Scott, n.d.), to resolve this problem, I can allocate time for self-ca...
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