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Profile Essay on My Mother

Essay Instructions:

Please write this paper as if it is about my mother being a Registered Nurse.

In a profile, the writer offers an extended look at one person. Like the personal essay, the profile relies heavily on narrative development (or storytelling), as well as on observation as a source of information. Unlike the personal essay, though, the profile also relies on conversations with the subject as a source of information. These conversations—as well as the writers’ observations—allow readers to “see” the subject for him or herself. In addition, the subject of the profile becomes representative of something larger: a community, an idea, or even an argument.

Follow a hunch—a sense that your subject has an interesting self or character that might be representative of those, as mentioned above, who can provide insight into a community (e.g. linemen), an idea (regrets- e.g. She never made it to Carnegie Hall), or an argument (teachers can drain the joy out of learning or can inspire). The paper should be explorative, an opportunity to discover a personality, rather than an exercise in churning out material that you already know.

Below are some suggested ingredients in a Profile essay:
● Consider objects that express some aspect of the profile subject. E.g. The portrait on the wall said he/she held grudges.
● Compose questions – that which you sense may be the key to that person. (E.g. “What’s he building in there?”)
● Be organized around one, two, or three dominant angles.
● Include several revealing anecdotes about your profile subject.
● Include a physical description of the person you’re writing about, as well as the person’s physical environment.
● Incorporate the voice of your subject through interesting and revealing quotes.
● Incorporate outside research on your topic/subject if applicable.

Finally, your goal is to take the transcript of your conversation with your subject and shape or organize your findings into an essay that is both coherent and riveting.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Profile Essay
It is always thought that age is the determinant of one’s life goals, and that when someone surpasses a certain age, it should effectively extinguish some of their dreams if they hadn’t achieved them yet. There are people who have taken such a perception so deep; they have internalized it throughout their lives to the extent of cutting short some of their ambitions. Some have ended up regretting not doing some things they should have done, simply because they thought that age had caught up with them. That is however not the case for my mum. She is an illustration of unwavering belief in oneself and the importance of keeping the fire burning. Making it in a tough and competitive profession such as nursing isn’t for the faint hearted. Not when there is new blood annually being churned into the system from universities and colleges around the world. My mum however, understands the formula to beating the competition and going against the grain.
"There is nothing like luck without hard work. It is hard work that positions you in a position of luck, never get it wrong," she has always said since my formative years. It sounds quite cold and harsh, but that is the reality that my mum has embraced in her journey to becoming a registered nurse. To her, this has always been her guiding mantra. This is a woman who has always believed that no sweat, no pain, no gain. It has been a belief that has pushed her to achieve her ultimate life goal of being a registered nurse. Becoming a registered nurse is also a process that entails a lot of procedures and practical experience that proves one is well qualified for the certification. It therefore needs the candidate to have all the prerequisite practical and academic qualifications, or excellence thereof. It is something that my mum understands so well and keeps it as a rule of the thumb.
My mother is a person who was born in the 70s, a generation that followed the rules to the latter and worked hard to achieve what is the American dream. This slim, medium height lady with an infectious smile had all the ingredients to be a nurse. Her passion for nursing was evident from an early age, as my grandpa once noted that she was always ready to get out of her way to help people. "Your mum could sacrifice the little income she made and commit much of her time to helping people in the neighborhood, especially those with chronic conditions. She seemed to find a new lease of life through spending time with them and giving them hope," he once said.
Yet her story has not been as straightforward as it sounds. After several years out, she had to go back to school, quite a difficult decision for most people. She had to stop her initial job as an attendant and completely switch careers. This is a ...
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