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Write an essay arguing if white privilege is prevalent in society or that it’s a myth.

Essay Instructions:

Write a five paragraph argumentative essay arguing that white privilege is prevalent in society or that white privilege is a myth. The following article must be sited in your essay: “ what is a” system of privilege “?Please add a reference page.please this is my final essay of the semester and it has the highest point, am counting on you to give me an “A”

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Prevalence of White Privilege in Society
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Prevalence of White Privilege in Society
While many whites ignore the prevalence of white privilege, those who experience its negative impacts are non-whites. White privilege usually entails the unconscious and unseen advantages enjoyed by white people. In contemporary times, it is known that most of the systematic decisions within government and other organizations are influenced by the privileges that have existed for many years. Johnson defined a system as “organized around three basic principles: dominance, identification, and centeredness. In this regard, the white privilege system is dominated and centered on white people. In such a society, you will many whites occupying a powerful position in society. Moreover, economic inequalities position the dominant group with higher income and access to basic services compared to minorities. White privilege is prevalent in society and has affected how people access the social, political, and economic amenities within the community.
First, white privilege can be seen from the fact that whites are defined as the standard for humanness. People of color and other races are described as non-white, which shows us what they are not instead of telling us what they are. This perception makes white people superior and dominates many systems within global society. Another important aspect of this perception is that their actions are given more credibility than those undertaken by others. The white privilege also makes many whites to be unaware of the benefits they enjoy. In many cases, they appear as if they do not belong to any race at all (Johnson, 2013).
Second, the existence of white privilege arises from the historic and enduring racia...
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