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Preparing for Change and Action: Consumption of Unhealthy Foods

Essay Instructions:

Preparing for Change and Action

In the Module 1 analysis assignment, you will begin your course project by identifying a health need in a school or community. You will identify the setting in which the need is occurring and support the need with data. Your Module 1 product will be an outline describing how you will address the health issue.

Create a 2-page paper (not including the title and references pages) in a Word document for your response. Use APA format.

Create a title page and references page in APA format. Your paper should include an introduction and conclusion.

Follow the steps to complete the assignment.

Step 1. Select a school or community health need. Identify the setting in which the need is occurring.
Step 2. Provide a rationale and data support for the identified need.
Step 3 To help you think through the change process, review the Community Health Assessment and Group Evaluation (CHANGE) Tool (Links to an external site.) from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website.
Step 4 Skim the tool to determine steps and strategies you can use to accomplish your goal of developing a change initiative and action plan related to the identified issue.
Step 5. In a 1- to 2-page outline, describe how you will use the steps and strategies to address the issue and assess the level of resources available and the gaps in the resource availability. As a part of the outline, address how health literacy is impacting the issue.

please review summary mod 1


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Preparing for Change and Action
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Name
Facilitator’s Name
Adolescents are usually energetic, and therefore their bodies often crave high-sugar foods to fulfill their energy demands. Students from a local school-aged between twelve and seventeen are coming from school on a hot afternoon. They usually branch off to their common fast food restaurant, which is served with sugared beverages, cheeseburgers, and French fries. They take this snack every day after school. They are not aware of the health implications of the wrong food choice. Poor food choice or nutrition is among the leading causes of lifestyle diseases in the United States (US) (Bush et al., 2020). Regular intake of high-calorie foods may lead to overweight and obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and some cancers.
To enforce a healthy lifestyle in the community, a tool that helps to collect data and plan for the resources needed is used. Health assessments can be conducted through the tool, and areas, where improvement is required, are selected (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2021). The tool, also referred to as the CHANGE tool, involves assessing the community and evaluating groups. Five effective strategies and steps can develop an initiative that targets helping the students change their poor eating habits. These steps include commitment, where the students will be assembled to form a tenacious group of young ladies and gentlemen who are eager to learn. The second strategy will consist of assessment, where all data relating to the needs and health status of the students will be sought. The third step will include planning, where a workable action will be drawn to suit the demands and health needs of the students. Finally, implementation and evaluation will be done, where the plan will be executed and the evaluation done.
Addressing Poor Food/Dietary Practices Among school-going Adolescents
Using the Steps/Strategies
The five strategies that involve assembling, assessing, making plans, implementing the plans, and evaluating will collaborate with several resource bodies to create ...
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