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Sexual Assault: The Case of the Hunting Ground

Essay Instructions:

View the film The Hunting Ground, take notes, and use your notes to answer the following questions. Your answers must include specific information from the film.
1. Before watching the film, were you aware of the prevalence of sexual violence on college campuses? Did it surprise you? Why or why not?
2. How is higher education viewed in your family? Is it an expectation or a luxury? Does the value your family and friends place on college impact your reaction to the film?
3. The film exposes a link between the profitability of universities and their willingness to protect student athletes from investigation or disciplinary action when they are accused of sexual assault. Do you think universities can prevent the conflict of interest that pits justice against financial gain in industries like sports and fraternities? How?
4. Many survivors in the film were hesitant to tell their parents about their experiences—or have never told them. Why do you think that is? What conversations should parents have with their children about sexual assault? What responsibility do they have to ask questions about sexual assault when their children apply to college?
5. Rape and sexual assault have been stereotypically portrayed as crimes that involve heterosexuals. In reality, sexual assault happens to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. What are some of the additional concerns faced by these survivors?
6. Several survivors interviewed in the film offer examples of “victim blaming”: How can telling women to “not drink” be an example of victim blaming? What other aspects of campus life are women told to avoid? What aspects of campus life are men told to avoid?
7. As Rachel's case and others described in The Hunting Ground illustrate, going to the police is not a solution for many survivors. How can (or can) police be trained to adequately assist in sexual assault cases
8. Look through GSU’s website and see if you can find information on sexual assault and how to prevent/report it. Was this information readily available? Does it seem appropriate?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Sexual Assault: The Case of The Hunting Ground
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Sexual Assault: The Case of the Hunting Ground
Violence in college is increasingly becoming a hotly contested subject. It can be perpetuated in different forms: either physically or emotionally. The Hunting Ground chronicles an "epidemic" of sexual assault at universities, including Harvard. The effects of sexual assaults are dire. Interestingly, school administration is numb about the issue, and even if cases are reported, they tend to protect the brand (University). In this light, this paper focuses on how sexual assault is stereotyped in society and the role of parents and school administration in ending this vice.
The film highlights a growing problem of sexual assaults in colleges and universities. For example, Harvard College recorded 135 cases of sexual assaults (Movies2watch.tv, 2020). These findings have not been surprising. Instead, they have affirmed that sexual assaults in colleges are rising exponentially, and the problem needs urgent attention. My knowledge about the prevalence of sexual violence in college was informed by reading different articles and watching the news. For example, according to Rainn (2021), graduate and professional students are susceptible to sexual assaults, with females and males standing at 9.7 percent and 2.5 percent, respectively. Conversely, 23.1 percent of college students of transgender, genderqueer, nonconforming (TGQN) have been victims of sexual assault.
Education is a driver for economic growth and a key to unlimited opportunities. My family perceives higher education as a tool that can help secure a good future with endless opportunities. In particular, they believe that higher education guarantees good life and financial freedom. This value placed on education by my family and friends does impact my reaction to the film in different ways. My first reaction centered on how school management handles the issue of sexual assault. According to assaults Movies2watch.tv (2020), Stanford University recorded 259 sexual assault cases between 1996 and 2013, but only one expulsion was issued. This finding reveals that the future of young people is at stake. Noteworthy, society's growth is also in limbo. This revelation makes me positively react to the film because it has clarified the problem, and education and parents are compelled to respond positively.
Universities have done little to address the growing problem of sexual violence among their students. Often it strives to protect its brand at the expense of students' well-being (Movies2watch.tv, 2020). However, it is possible to address conflict of interest against financial gain among universities. Foremost, there is a need to ensure that Universities adhere to school rules and guidelines. They must react to an issue as it is without any bias. Secondly, confli...
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