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Practices in College Writing and Reading (Literature & Language Essay)

Essay Instructions:

Writing Assignment Analysis: Analyzing Writing Tasks & Values UWP 7: Practices in College Writing and Reading

Context: Most of the writing you do in your life will be motivated by your desire to accomplish something through writing. Maybe you want to stay in touch with an elderly relative and you know they would appreciate a handwritten letter. Or perhaps you want to send your boss a carefully written email asking for an extension on a project. Or maybe you just want to record special moments and events in a planner or journal so that you will remember them. In most of these situations, you will not have an assignment prompt to guide you. Purpose: But in college, a written prompt for a writing assignment is very common, and not just in writing classes. You will receive prompts for writing assignments in many disciplines, written by a variety of educators for a variety of reasons. And while these prompts all have some fundamental similarities, the differences between them can tell us a great deal about the nature of writing in and for college. Knowing how to carefully read and analyze prompts can help you not only understand the basic expectations of an assignment (like word count, due date, etc.), it can also give you some insight into how writers in different communities think, argue, and write differently. TaskYour task is to write a 500-word analysis of one of the prompts you chose for the Assignment Prompt Comparison Activity. What features of the assignment prompt tell us something about the nature of writing in that discipline AND the nature of academic writing in general.Analysis requires that you are able to accurately and briefly DESCRIBE the object of your analysis, so your paper will contain some basic description of your chosen prompt. More importantly, analysis asks you to break something into parts and examine each part and the relationship between parts in order to DISCOVER something interesting and significant about the whole. In this way, analytical writing is both a product and demonstration of critical thinking. As you think about responding to this assignment, review your chosen prompt, the notes you took both in and out of class, and this prompt often. Doing so will help you test and develop your ideas.

Guidelines & Requirements of the Writing Assignment Analysis-Your analysis will include: 1. A title that reflects your ultimate claim about the nature of writing in that particular discipline 2. An introduction that provides necessary context for a reader to understand the purpose of the analysis 3. Description of the most significant parts of prompt being analyzed, that is, features of the prompt that reveal something about the values of the disciplined. Thorough analysis of those significant parts that investigates both why the individual parts are important and the ways in which those parts might be connected 4. A central claim in the report about why these parts of the prompt are significant. Your claims should refer to the specific features of the prompt you identified as significant.

Write the report for a very specific audience: those interested in understanding how writing expectations change from one discipline to the next. Your reader will, ideally, learn more about how the contents, design, and organization of a single writing prompt can reveal important things about the discipline in which it was produced.

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Academic Writing
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Academic Writing
Writing is essential for communication. Many people deliver information through writing, which could be in the workplace, school, and community. There are many forms of writing, such as formal writing and informal writing. Formal writing can include academic writing, and informal writing can include writing to relatives, parents, or siblings. The purpose of academic writing is to persuade, explain, narrate and inform an examiner. There is a motive behind writing, and it explains what drives people to it. The first reason could be because it is a command from a boss to explain a job they are currently undertaking. Another reason could be that a person is trying to get in touch with their relatives or parents.
Academic writing requires prompts that provide a writer with the guidelines they need. In some papers, the student may write simple documents like summaries, but the tutors may give a rubric in complex academic papers. The guidelines explain the nature of the writing required and how the paper should be divided into three parts; the introduction, body, and conclusion. In an academic paper like research, the sections maybe more, and it is the student's role to ensure all of them are covered to get the highest marks. For example, a student may be required to write a topic based on religion, and for this nature of writing, prompts are required so that the student may deliver what is required. For example, the prompts on religion may include choosing two religions because religion is wide and ther...
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