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Stress Experience in Women

Essay Instructions:

ading Rubric: Managing Stress AssignmentWomen’s Health: Managing StressYour essay will be 2 complete pages in your original thought. Be aware that if your work is copied from another source, it is considered plagiarism and you will receive a zero. Please organize your paper to include a 12 font, double spaced format. Please provide 3 scholarly references at the end of your paper preferably from Clayton Online Library. Select one topic from the textbook on stress or select your own topic. This topic will be a source of stress experienced by women such as illness, life events, multiple roles, financial, or others. You will develop one source of stress women experience; measures they can use to manage the stress and the physical and emotional strain it can have on the body and one’s lifestyle. What positive steps can women incorporate when she experiences stress? Pretend you are counseling a woman coming to your practice experiencing stress. Do NOT write about any of your own experiences.Grading Criteria Maximum PointsDescribes the health issue, consequences and/or treatments listed above 40Explains the subject importance to women’s health (3-4 sentences) 10Describe what you learned about the subject (at least 5 sentences with examples) 20Uses correct medical vocabulary (at least 4 words) relevant to topic 12Correct and proper grammar used. No spelling errors 8Referenced at least 3 website/journal articles from Clayton Online library 9 References will not be counted as part of the “page report” and will be listed on a separate page. Your written report will be 2 complete pages in length. Do not include your name, my name or course as part of the title page. Title page not neededMedical vocabulary: terms used in a proper and professional manner. For example: Clinical Anxiety Disorders, such as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can occur in several situations such as.....

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Stress Experience in Women
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Women's Health
Managing Family Stress
Typically, stress is the body's reaction towards daily activities, and it can have both positive and negative impacts. According to American Psychological Association, women experience stress more than men. Additionally, women know how to manage stress as compared to men since they are honest and open. Every woman is subjected to stress in different ways, and thus, the experience is always diversified. Moreover, the following are the most common symptoms of stress in women: first, they have physical problems such as headaches, zero interest in romantic affairs, and back and neck pains.
Secondly, their emotions are not in balance; therefore, they are overly excited, they have rigid mood swings, signs of depression and anger (Nelson & Burke, 2002). Thirdly, the source of stress might be work, such as workload and stressful relations from workers and managers. Fourth, family problems and unfulfilling romantic relations. Family problems are the primary source of stress and are quite devastating since it is deep and violent. There are many causes of stress in women, but they can be trimmed to the main cause, for example, lack of job, money, and family issues. The most pronounced stress in women is embedded in family issues, and it has affected more than 60% of women in the world. We see family abuse cases every day, and the most affected people are women and children. Family matters are intense and sometimes catastrophic, which leads to PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder). PTSD is caused by experiences such as beatings and other violent activities (Nelson & Burke, 2002).
According to the U.S Department of Health and Human Services (2019), women have high chances of developing PTSD than men. Dealing with stress is not a walk in the park, but there are ways that c...
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