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Portfolio Project Public Government Health Care

Essay Instructions:

Portfolio Project (350 Points)
Select one sector of health care from the choices listed below.
This may be a sector in which you have an interest, one in which you work currently, or wish to work in in the future.
Public/Government Health Care
With your sector chosen, use articles and other resources available in the CSU-Global Library, Web-based resources that are judiciously selected, and other credible sources to conduct research on your chosen sector. Cite and discuss at least seven outside sources.
Present the results of your research and analysis of the sector in a CSU-Global APA style research paper that includes the following elements:
Write an introduction that summarizes your research question(s) and the point of your essay.
Describe of the sector's historical development and current role in health care delivery
Identify and analyze major challenges that the sector faced prior to passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Identify and analyze challenges the sector is likely to face in the future, given passage of the health care reform law and associated regulations (which, in some cases, are still being written).
Analyze the possible benefits and risks for your selected sector that are associated with health care reform.
With respect to the sector that is the focus of your research, include discussion of the implications of your findings for the three overriding issues in health care today—cost, quality, and access.
Your paper should be 10-12 pages in length and formatted according to CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements.
In addition to a Title Page and a References Page, the research paper should include the following sections:
Historical Development and Current State of Health Care Delivery
Challenges and Issues Prior to Health Care Reform
Sector Specific Challenges
Potential Risks and Benefits
NB: This paper should be ready in 7days , I PAID FOR 7 DAYS PAPER URGENCY.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Public Health Care
[Student’s Name]
Public Health Care
Public healthcare is described as the science and the art that hinders disorders and lengthens the life span and upholds human’s health through systematized efforts and up-to-date choices of society, governments, and organizations. It is concerned with extortions to health centered on population medical scrutiny (Atun et al., 2015). The magnitudes of health could incorporate a condition of comprehensive physical, social, and mental well-being and not only the absence of ailment as described by the World Health Organization (WHO). Public or government healthcare entails various interdisciplinary approaches, for instance, biostatistics, epidemiology, and health services. The primary role of the public or government healthcare is to enhance health and quality of life through deterrence and management of disorders amid other mental and physical health illnesses. This is usually attained through the scrutiny of cases and health indicators, and through enhancement of health actions. Some instances of the measures that have been set in the field of healthcare comprise hand washing, provision of vaccinations, breastfeeding, deterrence of suicide, and delivery of condoms to control the spread of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs). The current paper has discussed how public healthcare developed, its executions, challenges, and probable benefits it has to the public.
Historical Development and Current State of Healthcare Delivery
The history of public or government healthcare is vibrant and usually created on an endless basis. Disorders have offered the stimulus for most of the actions in public healthcare. In a few of cases, devastating an illness has detached a barricade to trade or anticipated alternative goal. For instance, demoralizing yellow fever eased building of the Panama Canal in the 1900s and discovering a treatment for scurvy permitted mariners to have extensive journeys of adventure (Boulware, Cooper, Ratner, LaVeist, & Powe, 2016). It is significant to comprehend that developments in public healthcare in public or government healthcare regularly have an influence on individuals all over the world and that it is a worldwide effort. Public healthcare scientists are concentrating on heart disorder and category 2 of diabetes in reaction to present epidemics. Struggles to comprehend and treat diseases have had the inadvertent impacts of industrializing implements (Boulware et al., 2016).
The discipline of epidemiology developed from efforts to end cholera in England. Additionally, forces excluding illness have influenced public health. Cases comprise the hygienic movement that originated in England and was fast replicated in the New England. A small number of ailments have had an inconsistent influence on account of public health internationally; they comprise influenza, HIV/AIDS, smallpox, and tuberculosis (Frieden, 2014). Influenza, smallpox, and tuberculosis have been recognized since ancient times; however, HIV/AIDS is a further current problem. Smallpox is remarkable because of its mortality rate and as it is the only ailment that has been eliminated. Influenza became a human disorder after a person's tamed pigs. Since disease changes so voluntarily, it endures to defy public health developers.
The majority of the current governments acknowledge the significance of public healthcare programs in decreasing the occurrence of disorders, incapacity, and impacts of the aged amid further bodily and mental health illnesses (Moorhead et al., 2013). From the little funding that public healthcare acquires from the government, it has been in a position to initiate programs offering vaccinations and thus significant steps in enhancing health, counting annihilation of smallpox, a disorder that beset many individuals. Public healthcare scrutiny has resulted in the identification and arranging of various public healthcare problems fronting the world today, for instance, waterborne diseases, diabetes, zoonotic diseases, HIV/AIDS, and zoonotic ailments.
Particular policies and programs linked to public healthcare advancement and prevention could be contentious; for example, programs concentrating on the avoidance of HIV transmission via safe sex promotions. Additionally, tobacco smoking necessitates lasting plans compared to the battle against communicable disorders which normally requires a short period for the impacts to be experienced. Currently, various countries have executed key initiatives to stop smoking. Some of these initiatives include augmented taxation and prohibitions on smoking as it is a primary cause of death (Raghupathi & Raghupathi, 2014). Maladaptive individual conducts cause various health difficulties. According to evolutionary psychology outlook, over feasting of new ingredients that are injurious is because of the instigation of a progressed reward method for constituents, for example, alcohol, drugs, fat, tobacco, carbohydrates, and refined salt. Novel technologies like modern transportation similarly source abridged human activity.
As per research conducted in the US, behavior is more efficiently improved by taking evolutionary inspirations into deliberation in place of just offering data regarding health effects. As a consequence, the bigger application of soap and hand-washing to inhibit diarrhea is efficiently upheld if its lack of usage is related to the feeling of revulsion (Shi & Singh, 2015). Disgust is a contemporary method of evading contact with constituents that spread infectious diseases. Some instances include films that demonstrate how fecal material contaminates foodstuff.
Challenges and Issues before Health Care Reform
Challenges of Passing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPAC or ACA)
This is a law that intended to initiate reforms in the public healthcare sector in the US. The law was designed to enhance health insurance affordability and excellence, reduce the rate of insurance by intensifying its coverage and finally minimize the charges of medical services. The law requires similar charging system irrespective of an individual gender or race. Although the law intended to bring substantial reforms in the public healthcare and passed by the 111th US Congress and approved by President Obama, it was and has faced by critical challenges (Boulware et al., 2016). One challenge was the 2013 federal government closure; stout partisan differences in the Congress hindered the amendments to the Act's provisions. Another one is the 2017 repeal action; after the house of representative passed the bill of making changes on the PPAC report, the Senate has currently resolved to rewrite particular sections of it. In the process of drafting the ACA report there lacked cooperation amid states, the democrats, and republicans. Each side wanted the report to be drawn in their will thus the process of passing the reforms was slow.
The Challenge of Access to Health and Medical Care
The state of uninsured citizens in the US has been a big challenge in the sector of public healthcare regarding medical reforms. Insurance is a vital component for accessing health care services (Frieden, 2014). From a past survey, it was evidenced that 47 million Americans were uninsured. Problems associated with the delivery and geographical supply of health care physicians, in conjunction with particular kinds of healthcare services, for instance, emergency rooms are likewise elements of the problem of access (Shi & Singh, 2015). Definitely, amid the more protuberant voices in the current discussions regarding health and medical care reform are those saying that reform is an ethical authoritative, rising in the focal, from the quandaries of the uninsured. Individuals who are uninsured seems to have less access to health care compared to the insured and appear to pay extra cash for healthcare services when they access (Frieden, 2014).
In spite of the difficulties of the association between insurance and health status, the argument that the uninsured seem to have inferior health consequences than the insured looks reasonable, particularly concerning those who are d...
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