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Critic of Annotated Bibliography

Essay Instructions:

This assignment is following the previous descriptive summaries. I am going to attach all those articles you used and the one I used by myself to write the summary. This time you just need to critically evaluate those articles separately and each will be less than a page and at the end relate them somehow in conclusion. Following is the rubric

Annotations and Bibliography

- Quality and currency of research and resources including relevance to the topic identified

are evident in the literature selected.

- Selected sources referenced accurately in APA format including the database used to

locate the source.

- Includes 4 descriptive summaries previously submitted


-Topic is relevant to families within the population and a population health approach

can be applied.

-Summaries are accurate, evaluation addresses validity of source and relevance for

the assignment is included for every source.

Evaluates the conclusions, and discusses how successfully the authors achieve their aims. It will also evaluate how useful the information and methodological approaches will be for someone doing research on a particular project.

-All sources demonstrate careful consideration of relevance and do not repeat the same information.

-Key theoretical points emphasized.

-Critical cross comparison between articles or critical discussion on the state of knowledge regarding chosen topic.

Overall Quality

- Well written, clearly reflects the source, avoids vague statements.

- Appropriate length.

- Clarity of writing.

- Organization of annotations.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Critic of Annotated Bibliography
Source: Hanson, S. S (2016). Pediatric Euthanasia and palliative care can work together. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative medicine, 33 (5), 421 – 424.
The topic of this article is relevant to families within the population and a population health approach because it is centered towards the application of euthanasia in pediatric patients as well as in palliative care that can always work together. The authors efficiently summarized the topic accurately and addressed the validity of the source through in text citations as well as presenting the methodology efficiently to strengthen its arguments of the case. This includes the application of clinical termination of life of an individual who is suffering from a terminal illness or a permanent debilitating disease. The authors achieved their claims by linking pediatric and palliative euthanasia in the clinical setting using explorative methods that are explored from the research.
Authors sourced relevant references to support their main argument regarding the applicability of this legal privilege for patients who are now allowed by their significant other to cut off life support system in both pediatric and palliative care setting. The theoretical application of the issue has been applied, in which it details the conditions regarding the application of euthanasia to the chosen population. The comparison with other articles are relevant to the health care setting, which is concentrated with the ethical issue on whether to prolong the patient’s life or to end their life by cutting their life support system while being confined inside the health care setting. It entails a sensitive issue because it insinuates about the application of euthanasia that is being opposed by the pro-live activists around the world.
As a cross comparison, the article is regarded insightful because it allows readers to become aware about a sensitive issue that are comparable with their personal lives. There are numerous insights that can be absorbed because there are similar situations in the society that are connected with the past activities of other readers. The article can be recommended to other readers because it highlights the norms about euthanasia that is applicable to the society.
Gamondi, C., Pott, M., & Payne, S. (2013). Families’ experiences with patients who died after assisted suicide: A retrospective interview study in Southern Switzerland. Anals of Oncology 24, 1639-1644.
The authors concentrated on the families’ experiences with patient who died after assisted suicide, which is relevant to families within the population as well as the population health approach that can be applied. The authors try to implicate personal perceptions regarding an ethical issue that is relevant to assisted suicide. It seeks to concentrate on the experiences of involved households to explore their reaction through interviews in the chosen population. The summaries are accurate as based on the Abstract and the conclusive part of the paper that are accurate with strong validating points. The conclusion clearly explains the position of the authors regarding the real-life scenarios of households involved in assisted suicide. This connects with the experiences of patients in Southern Switzerland, indicating that there are several incidents where people were allowed to participate in this particular practice. The approach was taken from the interviews and testimonials from the target groups, supporting the goal of the authors and successfully accomplishing their claims on assisted suicide.
The sources demonstrated careful and sensitive consideration that is related to the topic for the reason that testimonials are already powerful enough to support the arguments. Testimonials from the experiences of individuals being interviewed showed their perception, realization, and commentaries regarding assisted suicide. The theoretical application of ethics, jurisprudence, and psychological norms has been expressed by the authors while detailing their claims. The theoretical concepts verify the details through the application of theorems, phenomena, and relevant insights regarding medical and ethical issues such as euthanasia affecting patients with severe conditions or disabilities.
There is a cross comparison between the article to other articles because each author are pointing out the essentials of jurisprudence, ethics, and medical issues that are concerned with the life of patients with severe injuries or diseases. The medical issues associated with the assisted suicide exemplify the agony of patients who are suffering long enough to consider a request to end their lives. However, it is expected that there are individuals belonging to the conservative groups who are going to oppose this issue because
Pereira, J. (2011) Legalizing Euthanasia or assisted suicide: The illusion of safeguards and the control. Current Oncology, Vol. 18 (2), e38-e35.
The topic is relevant to families within...
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