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Evidence-Based Practice Proposal - Section C: Literature Support

Essay Instructions:

To begin, work through the reference list that was created in the "Section B: Problem Description" assignment in Topic 2. Appraise each resource using the "Rapid Critical Appraisal Checklists," available in the textbook appendix. The specific checklist you use will be determined by the type of evidence within the resource.
Develop a research table to organize and summarize the research studies. Using a summary table allows you to be more concise in your narrative description. Only research studies used to support your intervention are summarized in this table. Refer to the "Evaluation Table Template," available in the textbook appendix. Use the "Evaluation Table Template" as an adaptable template.
Write a narrative of 750-1,000 words (not including the title page and references) that presents the research support for the projects problem and proposed solution. Make sure to do the following:
work through the reference list that was created in the "Section B: Problem Description" assignment in Topic 2. Appraise each resource using the "Rapid Critical Appraisal Checklists," available in the textbook appendix. The specific checklist you use will be determined by the type of evidence within the resource.
Include a description of the search method (e.g., databases, keywords, criteria for inclusion and exclusion, and number of studies that fit your criteria).
Summarize all of the research studies used as evidence. The essential components of each study need to be described so that readers can evaluate its scientific merit, including study strengths and limitations.
Incorporate a description of the validity of the internal and external research.
It is essential to make sure that the research support for the proposed solution is sufficient, compelling, relevant, and from peer-reviewed professional journal articles.
Submitting the checklist information or the evaluation table you design in Topic 3 with the narrative, the checklist information and evaluation table should be placed IN THE LAST PAGE OF THE ESSAY.
Include reference page.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Evidence Base Practice: Literature Support
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Evidence Base Practice: Literature Support
Al-Faisal seeks to find interventions towards preventing frequent falls among the elderly group within the society. In determining the high vulnerability for falls among the group, the research looks into available data from other countries around the globe to act as an indication for the high rates of falls within the region. In the old age groups, falls result in disability, intense pains, and even death. In the US, at least one in every three seniors fall each year, and in 1997 alone, 9000 people aged over 65 years died from falls.
Information obtained from regional databases were supplemented by international works to gather for missing data. A study conducted in Australia showed that 39% of community-dwelling females experienced one or more falls over a period of one year, with the average incidence rates being 35 %. Of the research data obtained around the region, the most comprehensive and resourceful one was obtained from the Iranian Study on accidental injuries. The fall prevalence rates resulting in acute medical conditions for the age brackets 60-69, 70-79, and 80+ were 143.1,336.7, and 848.3 respectively among the men, and 190.2, 416.8, and 854.7 among the women (Al-faisal, 2006). The study also provided a further analysis on the place of fall, the height of fall, and activity during fall. To reduce the frequency of falls among the elderly, counseling is done to provide guidance on the recommended activities towards reducing falls (Lee, Kuo-Wei, & Khang, 2013). They include exercising, safety skills, reduction of hazards, and effective use of medications. For extreme conditions, hip protectors can be used to lower the risk of injury in case of falls.
The Sentinel Event Alert ( 2015) focuses on the prevention of falls and injuries within medical environments. In the healthcare facilities, all patients are vulnerable to falls as a result of psychological transformations arising from medical conditions or clinical interventions. Based on the alarming rate of falls within medical facilities, the research presents guidelines and measures that are useful towards preventing falls and injuries within healthcare environments, which are supposed to be the safest locations for patients. The Sentinel database has over 465 reports of falls that have resulted in injuries in hospital environment since 2009, with 63% of the falls leading to deaths. The study acknowledges the difficulty in preventing falls, thus suggesting the need for strategies that assess the individual risks and the environmental hazards towards the determination of effective interventions for prevention. According to the research, fall prevention requires a commitment by the hospital management and a systematic data-driven method towards achieving risk reduction. The rationale includes the creation of awareness on the need to prevent falls, assign an interdisciplinary team with the responsibility of preventing injury, and the development of standardized tools and plans aimed at reducing falls and injury. Post fall management system is essential towards limiting the risk of falls through improvements and promoting patient confidence. Practices that have been noted to be useful include standardized communication processes and one on one pieces of training.
The study by Gallagher-Ford and partners (2011) seeks to provide the nursing personnel with the necessary skills towards implementing evidence-based practices. The research proposes the implementation of a rapid response team that is capable of handling emergencies. Since it is an aspect involving teamwork, communication plays an essential role towards its success. Projects that affect the overall operations of a healthcare facility, and require funding needs the approval of the management and other stakeholders, and as per the study, it is essential for the program developers to convince the concerned parties of the feasibility of the program. The stakeholders get an overview of the proposal and provide their input into the same towards achieving an entirely acceptable document. The program design needs to be comprehensive enough to provide a clear jurisdiction and responsibilities for all concerned parties. After implementation of the program, it is necessary that measurements are undertaken to ascertain the success rate of the RRT. The factors that can be used as a means of measurement include the mortality rate per unit, ICU admissions and RRT personnel cost per hour. Since the program is new to the institution, all the concerned parties need to be trained on the same to ensure effectiveness is achieved.
The research by Health Research & Educational Trust (2016) seeks to provide approaches towards preventing patient falls. Since various factors contribute to the occurrence of falls, the study analyses various factors, an approach that is crucial in determining the most effective rationales. The risk issues are highlighted and solutions proposed for each. The common contributing factors include the underation of the risk factors by most caregivers by failing to communicate the same. The risk factors are centered towards toileting, call light issues, cultural issues, and medication issues. The research analyzes some organizations based on the data submitted by each, with up to 62% decline in the number of falls recorded on average, reflecting over $1 million costs saved. For each medical facility under study, the research provides a background information, the interventions adopted, results and lessons learned.
Al-faisal, W. (2006). Falls Prevention for Older Persons. Eastern Mediterranean Regional Review, (October).
Sentinel Event Alert (2015). Preventing falls and fall-related injuries in health care facilities. Sentinel Event Alert, (55), 1–5.
Gallagher-Ford, L., Fineout-Overholt, E., Melnyk, B. M., & Susan B. Stillwell. (2011). Implementing an Evidence-Based Practice Change.American Journal of Nursing, 111(3)...
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