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Parental Control and TV Content Regulation Among Children and Adolescents

Essay Instructions:

Submit an outline of your Portfolio Project. Review the description of the Portfolio Project and the grading rubric in the Module 8 folder.
The first step to understanding an argument is to dissect the claims (premises) and the conclusions. As you are creating this one- to two-page outline of your argumentative essay, begin to analyze your own claims (premises).
Provide four scholarly research sources that you might consider using for your final essay. Give a short reason why each would be pertinent to your project. This is not expected to be a final list. The goal here is to motivate you to begin examining research that might help you in your final Portfolio Project. Add a reference section for your research sources.
Portfolio Project
Becoming a college student means that you have a responsibility to apply knowledge to advance your field and to make the world a better place. Through practicing critical thinking skills, we learn not only to avoid being manipulated in our thinking, but to fully support and provide evidence for our ideas. Your Critical Thinking Journal, if you kept one, will help inform your final project.
Option #1: Write an 8 to 10 page essay (not counting required title or reference page).
Begin the process of constructing your project by choosing a particular issue or problem. It could be related to your personal life or career path. The goal is then to align this problem or issue with a specific logic model from the text and/or other critical thinking tools you have been learning throughout the course. As you construct your essay, utilize critical thinking tools to evaluate your data and your credible research, interpret this data, and understand your specific problem or issue from a broader, deeper and more focused perspective. Accessing and implementing credible research from the CSU Global Library is vitally important in the process of constructing your final essay as it will also be important in all your future coursework.
Your paper must:
Cite at least 6 scholarly peer-reviewed sources that are not required or recommended readings for this course. You may include a credible website. (The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find these resources. You may cite the textbook, but that does not count as one of the scholarly peer-reviewed sources.)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Parental control and TV content regulation among children and adolescents
Institutional Affiliation:
Title: Parental control and TV content regulation among children and adolescents
I. Introduction
An issue from my personal life
My childhood and part of my youthful stage have been punctuated by a considerable number of hours in front of the TV. My favorite cartoon series was the Mighty Morphine Power Rangers that consumed 2 hours each day while I was four and subsequently video games while I was between ten and fifteen. At my tender age, I never understood the impacts of the prolonged exposure to TV programs as it was an aspect that always spearheaded a fight with my parents. I can now understand why my parents were justified with their regulation of the time and the contents that I was to watch the TV.
The controversial issue that has resulted in the heated debate regarding the impacts of TV to the youth and children is the aspect of regulation and the individual to blame between the media, parents and the children for the impacts of the propagated contents on the TV.
II Body
Parental control
The choice of the party to blame among the three calls for critical thinking given the TV has both negative and positive impacts. Based on my personal life experience, parents have the greatest role in allev...
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