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Samantha Caramanoff: A Conflict Escalation and De-Escalation Model

Essay Instructions:

Becoming a college student means that you have a responsibility to apply knowledge to advance your field and to make the world a better place. Through practicing critical thinking skills, we learn not only to avoid being manipulated in our thinking, but to fully support and provide evidence for our ideas. Your Critical Thinking Journal, if you kept one, will help inform your final project.
Option #1: Write an 8 to 10 page essay (not counting required title or reference page).
Begin the process of constructing your project by choosing a particular issue or problem. It could be related to your personal life or career path. The goal is then to align this problem or issue with a specific logic model from the text and/or other critical thinking tools you have been learning throughout the course. As you construct your essay, utilize critical thinking tools to evaluate your data and your credible research, interpret this data, and understand your specific problem or issue from a broader, deeper and more focused perspective. Accessing and implementing credible research from the CSU Global Library is vitally important in the process of constructing your final essay as it will also be important in all your future coursework.
Your paper must:
Cite at least 6 scholarly peer-reviewed sources that are not required or recommended readings for this course. You may include a credible website. (The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find these resources. You may cite the textbook, but that does not count as one of the scholarly peer-reviewed sources.)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Conflict Resolution
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Conflict Resolution
Conflicts are common and have become a natural phenomenon in all types of human relationships. There are interpersonal conflicts, intercommunity conflicts, and international conflicts. Conflicts have the same characteristics and dynamics regardless of the level at which they occur. We get involved in conflicts because our interests or values get challenged by others, or needs have not been met. When conflicts intensify, wars may result that can lead to deaths of people and create more social problems in the society. Therefore, it is important whenever a conflict arises, the involved to come together and look for ways of satisfactorily ending it.
Some parties may choose to end their conflicts through violence, surrender and capitulation. Others may choose to de-intensify it by deceiving their opponents. These options are not regarded to resolve the conflicts. The conflict remains, it only loses its intensity. It has been discovered that the easiest conflict to resolve is the one that stems from a clash of conflicts. Conflicts due to clash of values and basic needs not being met are more difficult to resolve. Conflicts due to basic needs not being satisfied are deep rooted and intractable. Such needs that are prone to conflicts include recognition, self-actualization, security, identity, and love. It is impossible for the parties to the conflicts even with outside help to find a solution that will satisfy all of the above needs (Wallensteen, 2015).
Conflict resolution process should be considered as growth opportunity between the parties either in personal, organizational or international levels. In any level, solving problems through a collaborative approach is crucial in achieving the overall success and objectives. The involved parties should establish a common goal that they will be pursuing to achieve. Also, they should identify the reasons why the conflict occurs and look for ways of satisfying both parties to minimize the conflict.
Interpersonal conflicts are the most common types of conflicts that we experience every. This is when an individual experiences emotional and mental pain with one’s self. It is being characterized by annoyance and defensiveness. However, most individuals do not identify their personal issues something that is dangerous for their well being. If they are unable to recognize their personal issues, it might cause tension in the organization or team leading to personal conflicts. Intrapersonal conflicts arise when two or more individuals are competing for certain resources or goals in a team or organization. They believe that other individuals are preventing them from attaining their goals and objectives. However, despite the fact that the individuals may differ in opinions, their conflicts may be beneficial to the organization. It outlines some assumptions and is often ignored by the management. Recognizing the concerns of both members may improve the quality of decision making process in the organization. Lack of communication has been identified to be the main cause of interpersonal conflicts in organizations. This is contributed by "mind reading" other members (Tafel-Viia & Alas, 2015). Many tend to imagine that they know what their colleagues are thinking. "Mind reading" other members is one way of creating conflicts in the organization and they may go beyond the organizational boundaries stretching to family and personal boundaries. This causes tension in the organization as well as in the community. Another cause is when one member is pretending that everything is right. Withholding issues has negative effect in all levels, either personal or organizational. Most people do so with a believe that ignoring a problem for long, it will solve itself (Tafel-Viia & Alas, 2015).
Personal issues need to be resolves as soon as possible because ignoring them will only worsen the situation. Individuals need to deal with their problems or get help from other people to work them out. Procrastination is another way that conflicts may result. This is avoiding accomplishing tasks that need to be accomplished. It is characterized by guiltiness, self-doubt, and inadequacy. The consequences of procrastination are painful and may interfere with one’s effectiveness in the organization.
Since there are many conflict sources, the way they are being dealt with also varies among the levels where they occur. Some parties try to avoid them as much as they can; thinking that a conflict is a sign indicating something is wrong and good people should not be experiencing conflicts or it brings frustrations only. Trying to resolve a conflict through this approach is ineffective due to the following reasons. First, in nature conflict is inevitable. There is a probability that people will disagree in any form of interaction and there is nothing wrong about it. Secondly, conflict is not a threat in itself but the way it is being dealt or handled. Solving conflicts in a positive manner, there is the potential of bringing comfort, reconciliation and may satisfy one’s needs. It also renews closeness, and strengthens the faith of those involved are able to cooperate in the future (Wallensteen, 2015). The following ways may help to solve conflicts in a positive way without intensifying the situation.
* Choosing the right tone for the conversation. The tone that one chooses to use in the conversation influences the entire process. The involved parties to the conflict should be willing to resolve the issue rather than continue fighting for a while. It is important to start a conversation and chat for a while without touching issues related to the conflict. One may choose to start with "I would like to know what you are thinking about this situation. Also, it is important to set out some rules that will be guiding the conversation such no one interrupts the other.
* Be a good listener. One of the obstacles to conflict resolution is the tendency of people "listening ahead." This is jumping into conclusions on what the other party is trying to say. The moment the other party thinks that he knows what the other is trying to say, they do not listen to what is being said. This prompts one to start thinking on what to say in response thus stops listening.
Listening is a skill and can be practiced. One way to practice it is trying to talk with a friend on a topic that they both disagree on. Then try to listen to the other partner for a while without interruptions.
* Avoid any negat...
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