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Popular Non-Traditional Health Care Practices

Essay Instructions:

Research different popular nontraditional health care practices. Write a 1,000-1,200 word paper exploring nontraditional health care practices and include the following:

Describe nontraditional health care practices in different cultures. Compare at least three cultures.

Explain how these practices affect wellness and prevention in different cultures.

Identify the nontraditional health care options in your areas, and identify the number of people choosing to use them over traditional medical practices. Propose reasons why the number of people using nontraditional health care options is rising.


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Popular Non-Traditional Health Care Practices
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Popular Non-Traditional Health Care Practices
Non-traditional health care practices provide healing and many benefits to the body, which has resulted in different communities and cultures around the world to embrace the approaches. Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) are non-traditional approaches to healing diseases and maintaining wellness. CAM is described as an approach to disease diagnosis, treatment, and/or prevention that complements the traditional or mainstream medical practice by contributing to a common whole, diversifying the medical theoretical framework, or satisfying some of the demands orthodox medicine fails to provide (Shirwaikar, Govindarajan, & Rawat, 2013). For these reasons, CAM is increasingly being used in many societies around the world due to the benefits it offers. For instance, acupuncture is often used in traditional or conventional medicine in the United States today with 38% of adults and 12% of children seeking this kind of treatment approach to cure different diseases (The Johns Hopkins University, 2019). Today, besides acupuncture, there are several non-traditional practices that have been accepted as mainstream forms of therapy, including homeopathy Ayurveda, yoga, herbal medicine, qigong, meditation, and sense therapy. This paper will describe non-traditional health practices: Chinese medicine, Japanese Kampo, and Indian Ayurveda, and explain how such approaches contribute to the wellness and prevention of diseases. The paper will then identify non-traditional health care options in my area and the number of people opting for the approaches over conventional medical practices and propose the reasons why increasing numbers of people today choose non-traditional health care options in modern societies.
The most ancient, yet surviving traditions in medicine are the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and traditional Indian medicine (TIM) (Patwardhan, Warude, Pushpangadan, & Bhatt, 2005). Renewed medical interests in these great traditions that sound experiential, philosophical, and experimental have been as a result of lack of curative approaches to a number of chronic illnesses, increased side effects of orthodox medicine, microbial resistance, high cost of drugs and emergence of new diseases. TCM and Ayurveda share common principles in practice. For instance, both practices focus on the patient instead on the disease and they both aim to promote human health and enhance the quality of life in a holistic fashion. In addition, most of the botanical sources in Ayurveda and TCM are similar and the systems have common philosophies aimed towards classifying materials, diseases, and individuals. Japanese Kampo has also been proven to be effective in the treatment of a number of inflammatory diseases, including dermatitis colitis, cardiomyopathy, hepatitis, and nephritis (Arumugam & Watanabe, 2017). Kampo medicines refer to Japanese herbal medicines that have a Chinese origin. However, such approaches were adapted in the Japanese culture and many health care practitioners in Japan have integrated the approach into modern health care practices. Within the Japanese national health insurance program, there are about 148 formulations of Kampo medicine. Like TCM and Ayurveda, Kampo medicine is holistic. These descriptions indicate the similarities among the three cultural non-traditional health care practices that have been accepted among different societies.
Chinese medicine considers humans to be at the centre of the universe connecting the earthly and celestial elements. TMC holds the philosophy that four bodily humours, including moisture blood, qi, and essence, and the internal organ systems are critical for maintaining two opposite energies, yin and yang. To maintain good health, there must be a proper formation, maintenance, and circulation of the two energies. A fall out of harmony in these energies results in disease (Patwardhan, Warude, Pushpangadan, & Bhatt, 2005). Ayurveda maintains that the universe is comprised of five elements, ether, air fire, water, and earth, which exist in the material universe in both inorganic and organic things. In humans and other biological systems, the five elements are divided into three forces, kapha, pitta, and vata, which regulate each psychological and physiological processes in living systems. As in TCM, Ayurveda approaches ho...
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