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The Political Implication; Water in Flint, Michigan; Critical Thinking Skills

Essay Instructions:

The written assignment for Week 3 is to write a short essay of two or three double-spaced pages after you have watched two televised newscasts of national news on the same day. One newscast is to come from a cable or satellite news network (examples being CNN, Headline, Fox News, CNBC, and MSNBC) and the other from one of the broadcast networks (examples being CBS, NBC, ABC, or Fox Network).
Please be sure to select national newscasts rather than your local city or regional newscasts.
You have your choice of which cable/satellite source and which broadcast source you choose. The half-hour newscasts are best for this exercise.
While watching, keep notes of the top three stories and the amount of time devoted to each of the three stories.
With your notes in hand, write your comparison of the two newscasts based on these four factors:
1.the top three news stories covered – whether they match or differ in the two newscasts;
2.the amount of air time given to each of those three stories;
3.any difference in the slant of the presentations of the three stories; and
4.anything you heard that affected the credibility of the people delivering the reports.
To conclude, how would you account for the similarities between the two newscasts in both selection and content of the stories?
reference should be Critical Thinking 11th Edition by Brooke Noel Moore and Richard Parker©2015 McGraw-Hill Higher Education

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Short paper 2
The story of the release of the Americans held in Iran has dominated the cable news station, and the political implications. The newscaster has focused on Jason Rezaian an Iranian America journalist, as well as tension between Iran and the West. The geopolitical implications also come into play where the relief of sanctions and guarantee for there to be changes to the nuclear program. In the case of ABC, the station focused more on the personal story on one of the released Americans, with the family members suggested that he was mistreated while in prison. There is also a political angle, where the station reported on the story Amir Hekmati an ex-marine was alleged to be a spy, with the family giving their side of the story on alleged mistreatment during detention.
In CNN, the story on refugees fleeing Syria has also received attention reporting the story during top hour newswhere there is CNN newsroom top stories. However, some talking points are the need to help in Europe screening genuine refugees and determine how they are to be distributed in Europe. There are challenges because there are different standards that are not applicable. However, in the story the news casters pointed out that the Syrians had mainly fled into neighboring Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey, suggesting that the richer countries ought to bear a higher burden. ABC has a different take, focusing on the hardships being endured by the Syrians because of war where starvation has become a problem and disruption of daily l...
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