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Chemistry: Dmitri Mendeleev, Electronic Structure of Atoms

Essay Instructions:

Prepare a 350- to 700-word paper in which you describe the periodic nature and properties of atoms and molecules.
Explain at a level of detail Dmitri Mendeleev would have understood how halogens and alkali metals are extremely reactive, whereas noble gases are not reactive.
Compare properties of molecules formed from atoms in similar families; for example, H2S versus H2O.
Explain what is meant by the electronic structure of atoms. How does knowing the electronic structure of atoms aid chemists in predicting chemical reactions?
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
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To write this paper well, you will need to read Chapters 4-5 really well. You probably also want to learn the concept of "valence electrons" (Chapter 9) and see how it can explain why Group 1 and Group 2 elements like to combine with Group 7 elements. You should provide the valence numbers for each group. The concept of "valence electrons" will also allow you explain why noble gases are chemically inert (inactive).
To compare the differences between water (H2O) versus hydrogen sulfide (H2S), you will need to learn the concept of "electronegativity". Compare the electronegativity of oxygen in water versus sulfur in hydrogen sulfide. This will lead to the concept of hydrogen bonding. Water can hydrogen bond. Can hydrogen sulfide perform such bond? The ability to hydrogen bond allows for the unique physical characteristics of water.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Dmitri Mendeleev was a scientist, a chemist to be specific, who came up with the periodic table. This was just the classification of elements based on their electronic confi. These elements had one electron in their outermost energy level, or shell. Scientifically, it usually takes a very small amount of energy for an element to lose or gain a single electron. When it  any other electron, and they do not have the weakness to lose one either. This means that they do not need any additional electron, and neither can they lose any of their respective electrons, since the energy needed to remove just a single electron from the filled energy level is immense. It can be seen therefore, from this discussion that the difference between alkali metals, halogens and noble gases is basically the comparison between an unstable and a stable element, where stability is determined by the electron configuration(University of Wisconsin,,n.d).comes to noble gases however, the contrary is true. These elements have their outermost energy levels completely filled with electrons. Their valence shell is therefore complete. There is no vacancy fgurations, which in turn played a role in their chemical properties. In his interpretation, he understood very well that the alkali metals as well as the halogens were more reactive due to their electronic configurationor
In order to analyze the chemical characteristics of oxygen and sulphur, it is important to first of all look at their physical structures. Both of ...
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