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PHIL447: Changes Must Happen in Both Human Eating Habits and Food Cultivation if the Human race is to Survive

Essay Instructions:

Project Proposal and Outline
The written assignment this week is the Proposal and Outline for your Course Project.
The project is a research essay in APA format that focuses on one of the topics below regarding current trends and future predictions.
•Changes must happen in both human eating habits and food cultivation if the human race is to survive.
•The European Union will, or will not, last another decade.
•If lobbying and campaign finance in the U.S. are not reformed, American democracy is doomed.
•How changes to marriage and family will change American society.
•How social media, Web sharing, and/or similar trends on the Internet will affect social and personal behaviors.
•What changes must happen because of the interaction between the world's growing population and decreasing natural resources
Once you have chosen your topic, you will need to do a little research on it to find information useful for your final essay. Then, you will need to create a document that includes the following parts.
Preliminary Thesis: A sentence stating the point about the topic that your essay will argue.
Issue Summary: A one-paragraph review of the issue stating something about its history and describing the major controversies.
Preliminary Essay Outline: A formal outline indicating what arguments will be used and their likely order in the paper.
References List: A list of at least five potential sources for your subject in APA form.
An example of a proposal is in Doc Sharing.
Your submission should be about two to three pages, double-spaced.
Write your Proposal and Outline in a Word document. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:
[Student Z] [PHIL447] [Course Project Proposal] [April 29, 2011] Project Proposal Thesis:  Changes must happen in both human eating habits and food cultivation if the human race is to survive. Issue Summary Faced with the threat of real extinction, human kind is slowly awakening to the need for change in the way it produces and consumes. In fact, the close of COP21 was heralded with applause and rejoicing as hundreds of world leaders have finally come to an agreement to reduce emission of greenhouse gases (Chappel, 2015)so as to prevent further warming of the earth and curb the detrimental effects of climate change. While the new climate agreement is a real milestone, few people realize that there is an easier way to save the planet: to be more mindful of the food that we eat. In an article published by the Ecologist which asked, “Can becoming a vegetarian help save the planet?” (Tuffrey, 2012) it was mentioned that 37% of methane, a gas that traps 20% more greenhouse gases compared to carbon, is produced due to animal farming. As 70% of the all agricultural land on earth is now being used to rear farm animals which are then butchered and sold as pork, beef, and other meat products, it is no wonder that researches are already showing that a huge amount of greenhouse emission are coming from livestock production (Stehfest et al., 2009) – if we ate less meat and more vegetables, would enable us to reach the climate stabilization target of 450ppm CO2, required to limit global temperatures (Anhang, 2009). But the solution to the problem is not only the switch from meat eating to vegetarian or veganism. We must also pay attention to how fruits and vegetables are being grown. For one, pesticide and chemical use have polluted our rivers and caused mutations in animal species. Second, the use of genetically-modified plant organisms have led to widespread debate as more and more researches are pointing to more disadvantages than advantages. Project Outline
  1. Current food production and consumption: why is it harmful for the environment?
    1. Food production
      1.                                                               i.      Pesticide use, chemical farming
      2.                                                             ii.      GMOs
      3.             ...
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