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Political Activism

Essay Instructions:
You may focus on one specific reading or several, the choice is yours. Here are the steps to completing the reading reflection. All work must have a source citation page. 1. Provide a brief summary of the reading(s) -What was the main subject of the reading? -What is the historical context of the reading? (When was it written? What was happening, in the lives of Black folks during this time? *generally speaking) 2. Identification of problem or issue: -What problem is the author identifying? Whom does the problem relate to? -For whom is this topic important and why? -What relevant evidence or examples does the author give to support their justification? 3. Personal thoughts on the reading. -What did you like/appreciate about the readings? -What would you have liked to have more of/less of in the reading? -Was there anything that you need/want clarification on, in regards to what you read? 4. Making connections to the course learning/materials. -How is what you read reading different from what you already know? Why might this difference exist? -What new ideas are here for you to consider? -How does this reading connect to the course and/or provide a better understanding of the course topic? Main Film: https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=7rTCdf7UEAA Secondary Readings: - http://www(dot)edchange(dot)org/multicultural/speeches/malcolm_x_ballot.html -https://www(dot)huffpost(dot)com/entry/black-women-doug-jones_n_5a318dede4b091ca268508c2 -https://www(dot)thenation(dot)com/article/archive/assata-shakur-not-terrorist/
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Political Activism Analysis Your Name Subject and Section Professor’s Name May 19, 2024 Upon reading the assigned articles, I believe that Craven's (2017) article, entitled "Black Women Are A Political Organizing Force, " piqued my interest. They're Not Unicorns." Specifically, I liked the author's powerful and insightful exploration of the often-overlooked contributions of black women in political activism. Through the lens of the 2017 Alabama Senate election, where Doug Jones emerged victorious over Roy Moore, Craven did not only highlight the strategic and relentless efforts of black women like DeJuana Thompson, founder of Woke Vote, but also gave particular attention to other influential figures such as LaTosha Brown, Sheila Tyson, and Adrianne Shropshire, to name a few. One of the points raised in the said article was Craven’s assertion of the "Magical Negro" situation, which is present in many movies, stereotypes black women use this stereotype to its fullest extent to show black women having supernatural powers that help them save the white interests without emphasizing their hardships. According to her, it is this façade (which is another demonstration of the tendency in Hollywood) that pushes the realities of black women's labor and service in the background. In contrast, this also considers a sharper acknowledgment that such political institutes should be given the praise they deserve because such an organization was the heartbeat that brought tremendous victory. Moving forward, I realized that what the author meant in her discussions was the problems that black women are involved in and are increasing political activities. Black women experience health ...
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