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Policing Black Bodies

Essay Instructions:
1. Provide a brief summary of the reading(s) -What was the main subject of the reading? -What is the historical context of the reading? (When was it written? What was happening, in the lives of -Black folks during this time? *generally speaking) 2. Identification of problem or issue: -What problem is the author identifying? Whom does the problem relate to? -For whom is this topic important and why? -What relevant evidence or examples does the author give to support their justification? 3. Personal thoughts on the reading. -What did you like/appreciate about the readings? -What would you have liked to have more of/less of in the reading? -Was there anything that you need/want clarification on, in regards to what you read? 4. Making connections to the course learning/materials. -How is what you read reading different from what you already know? Why might this difference exist? -What new ideas are here for you to consider? -How does this reading connect to the course and/or provide a better understanding of the course topic? Readings: - https://ekuonline(dot)eku(dot)edu/blog/police-studies/brief-history-slavery-and-origins-american-policing/ - https://www(dot)buzzfeednews(dot)com/article/joshuamanson/gun-control-history-race-black-panther-party-conservatives - https://time(dot)com/4779112/police-history-origins/ - https://nymag(dot)com/intelligencer/article/jordan-neely-nyc-homeless-epidemic.html - https://knock-la(dot)com/tradition-of-violence-lasd-gang-history/
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Policing Black Bodies: An Analysis Student Name University Course Professor Name Date Policing Black Bodies: An Analysis Summary of the Readings The source readings give an outline of historical violence in the Black community and their social injustice through policing and disregard. “A Tradition of Violence” is a narrative on deputy gangs within the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department over the last fifty years. It outlines how these gangs are formed, their acts of violence, and how they are shielded by law enforcement agencies (Castle, n.d.). The reading brings up the concept of institutional racism and how Black and Latinx communities have been targeted; the timeline goes back to the 19th century and continues with current policing strategies.  “Jordan Neely was already dead” recounts the sad shooting death of a homeless Black man named Jordan Neely in the New York City subway (Louis, 2023). This reading discusses the social and systematic erosion of Black people and their marginalization by making them vulnerable, and the article brings the discourse to the present by elaborating on the political and social aspects concerning Neely The article “How the U. S. Got its Police Force” explains how policing as a system evolved from random night watches to a structured police force. It elaborates on the historical development of early forms of policing primarily to safeguard property and restore order at the cost of vulnerable groups of people. (Waxman, 2017). This action reveals how early forms of policing and the enforcement of laws were set to safeguard property and order while marginalizing members of society. The article “When Black Panthers Carried Guns, Conservatives Supported Gun Control” focuses on how the relationship between conservatives and gun control has evolved over time and the role of the Black Panthers in this change (Manson, 2019). By linking the racial context of gun control discussions to issues of structural racism and the policing of society, the article offers a much-needed intersectional perspec...
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