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The Gift Magi: Alternate Part from Mr. James Dillingham Young's Perspective

Essay Instructions:

(ENG130 Literature and Composition)

Unit 7: Point of View/Perspective

Please see attachment for full Instructions, Stories and Plays.


Points of view in literature


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The Gift of Magi: Alternate Part (The Ending Part) from Mr. James Dillingham Young's Perspective
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The Gift Magi: Alternate Part (The Ending Part) from Mr. James Dillingham Young's Perspective
It was around 7'O clock in the evening, and I'd never been late. I knew Della would be waiting for me with coffee and food on the dining table. The distance between us was just a staircase at that moment, so I began to climb up. My exhausted body and mind, with a labor of the entire day, had made climbing the little staircase a big adventure for me like every day. But today, I felt special energy pushing me to reach Della and see the happy smile on her face on looking at her Christmas present – the beautiful combs she always desired for the long, shiny, brown cascade of her hair, which might be even more costly than the combs she liked. So losing the precious watch, which everybody in the town envied, was not a big loss for me if it could win me a pretty smile on her face whenever she combs her hair with this Christmas present that I bought from the money of the sold watch.
Drowned in the feelings of happiness, excitement, and love, I crossed the little barrier between us and got the door, which was always opened in the evening for me until I enter. I closed the door and got numb, for Della was standing in front of me without her hair. I could not believe my eyes. I felt like standing in a dream, which cannot be a reality, for she could not lose her hair on the same day I brought her most desired combs for it. I peered into her. She was looking like the same beautiful and matchless girl with a shadow of fear in her eyes. My numbness and unresponsiveness made her eyes even more fearful and watery while I was trying to control my shock. I want to question her about what made her cut her hair, but I was speechless,...
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