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Thomas Hardy's "On the Western Circuit

Essay Instructions:

Write a five-page analysis on one of the following topics. Your essay should have a good introduction that lays out the themes you will be touching on, as well as a good conclusion para. You will need to include at least two scholarly resources (an essay or journal article from Library resources, or from www(dot)victorianweb(dot)org) in your paper with correct citations and a works cited page. These scholarly essays should be read through and incorporated thoughtfully into your analysis, using a key quote or two. Poetry needs to be cited with lines intact and separate and include line numbers. Use textual details in your analysis in a strategic way, to enhance a point you are making. Please edit your papers well; check for faulty sentence construction and other grammar-related issues.

Paper is due on August 1 by 11:59 PM as an email attachment. Please adhere to this deadline.

Examine Matthew Arnold’s “Note on Celtic Literature” and Macaulay’s “Minute on Indian Education” as two types of imperialist ideology.


Who is the victim in Thomas Hardy’s ‘On the Western Circuit?’

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Who is the victim in Thomas Hardy's "On the Western Circuit?"
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Who is the victim in Thomas Hardy's "On the Western Circuit?"
Literary pieces are often a simulation of real-life situations and how various societal cultures view various subjects. One of the most interesting societal topics is gender inequality, specifically the position of women in society. Women have been viewed as inferior and whose role in the family set up is to perform almost all household chores besides not having a decision-making voice. "On the Western Circuit" is an exciting short story written by Thomas Hardy. It highlights the societal position of women in matters of love, marriage, and relationship. Women are the victims in Hardy's "On the Western Circuit." Society oppresses them by giving men the most power to make decisions related to love, marriage, and relationships.
"On the Western Circuit" has a straight and easy-to-understand plot. Anna, a naïve countryside girl, is working as a maid in the house of a sympathetic mistress living in Melchester town. Anna is picked by Charles Bradford Raye, a gentleman from London, one day when he visits the western legal circuit. Unfortunately, Anna cannot write in English and her mistress, Edith Harnhan, mediates the communication between Anna and Raye by writing letter responses on her behalf. Mrs. Harnham falls in love with Raye in the process of frequently writing and replying romantic messages to him on Anna's behalf. At the same time, Anna gets pregnant from the frequent meetings with Raye. The letters were well written. Raye liked them and decided to marry Anna only to find out after formalizing the marriage that Edith, the mistress, wrote the letters and not Anna as he believed.
Women are victims of culture and the male gaze. Most societies subject women to unconscious discrimination, especially when choosing a marriage partner. When Raye first meets her, Anna is in a merry-go-round. Raye gets attracted to her despite not knowing her. He only judges her from her physical appearance (Hardy, 2020, p. 1). Although getting attracted to a person is not a crime, men mostly use sexual attraction to judge a woman's appearance. Raye looks at Anna's physical appearance prompting him to begin a lifelong relationship with her. This makes women victims because they do not have the freedom to face men who they admire as men do. Women wait for men to initiate the process.
Women have a challenging task impressing a man to maintain a long-term relationship. Men's pleasure appears to take a short time and fades away if it is not continuously impressed. This pressurizes women making them struggle to impress men and maintain the relationships initiated by men (Ferguson, 2018). In the short story "On the Western Circuit," Anna goes through hard challenges maintaining her ties with Raye. First, she cannot write, but she would not give up. Instead, she uses her boss to mediate the communication between her and Raye. Anna never believes when she receives the first letter. Excitement mixed with disappointments and the fear of losing Raye for her illiteracy makes her cry when she faces her mistress about the letter. Ultimately, Anna asks a favor from her mistress, Edith. "Now—you'll do it for me, won't you, dear mistress?' said Anna eagerly. 'And you'll do it as well as ever you can, please? Because I couldn't bear him to think I am not able to do it myself. I should sink into the earth with shame if he knew that!" (Hardy, 2020, p. 5). This shows the extent to which women go to impress men. If women were equally placed as men in society, Anna would not be worried about Raye knowing she does not know to read and write. Instead, Raye would understand Anna's situation. This explains the low self-esteem in most women. It forces them to engage in odd practices to maintain a high social profile. For instance, most women put ...
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