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Playing with Gender: Understanding Our Gendered Selves

Essay Instructions:

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Five (5) pages (1200-1500 words)

Purpose: Act Analysis

In this part of the assignment, you will perform, describe, and analyze your act. After you perform your act, write a five page (1200-1500 words) paper detailing your experiences. The first section (one-third to one-half of your paper) should describe your act and your responses to it, and the second section should analyze your act in terms of the scholarship on gender:

Section One (minimum 500 words):

    1. Describe your act:
      1. What did you do?
      2. Where did you do it?
      3. How did you prepare for it?
    2. What responses did you get while performing your act?
    3. How did you feel while performing your act?
    4. What would you do differently if you had to perform this same act again? Would you perform the act in the same location and at same time? Would you change your appearance during the act? Would you do anything else differently?
    5. Please refer directly to the required reading on Participant Observation (Mack et al., 2005) in this section of the paper (Mack et al., 2005):

Mack et al. (2005).  "Module Two: Participant Observation," from Qualitative Research Methods: A Data Collector's Field Guide, Family Health International. Read Module 2, pages 13-27. Retrieved from https://www.fhi360.org/sites/default/files/media/documents/Qualitative%20Research%20Methods%20-%20A%20Data%20Collector's%20Field%20Guide.pdf 

Section Two: (minimum 700 words):

Referring directly to at least three academic sources for support (these may be pulled from the sources you identified and discussed in your Annotated Bibliography for Part 3 and/or the readings for this class), consider the potential impact of your act. Here are some questions to consider (you do not have to answer all of these questions; they are provided to help you to think about ways your act may have impact on society):

    • Can you explain the range of reactions to your act? Did those reactions reflect any of the sociological scholarship found in the course readings or in your research? Did any of the reactions challenge that research?
    • How do you think class, race, age, and sexuality came into play during the conception and performance of the act? 
    • Was performing this act an act of feminism? Why? and, if so, what type(s) of feminism? 
    • Was your act an act of activism? That is, could it help to create social change? If so, how?
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Part Four of Applied Final Project: Playing with Gender: Understanding Our Gendered Selves
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Part Four of Applied Final Project: Playing with Gender: Understanding Our Gendered Selves
Section one: Purpose: Act Analysis
Our community aspects are frequently gendered. Various facets of society involving socio-economic and political realms are entrenched with practices, norms, attitudes and perceptions that are understood and applied along gender lines. Existing social institutions are driving forces behind the predominant socialization of gender in terms of gender identity, gender roles and responsibilities. For instance, families overwhelmingly allocate responsibilities along gender lines. This paper will focus on family as a gendered social institution, where I will apply gendered acts. This proposed gender act challenges the conventional gendered expectations in terms of gender roles. The gendered allocation of responsibilities in family social setups has culminated in widening gender disparities and iniquities. The unequal distribution of responsibilities such as household chores in families is indisputable and has been perceived as one of the sources of work-family conflict (Cerrato & Cifre,2018). In American families, recent data shows that men are increasing the time they spend on housework and caring for family members, but women are still doing more - about twice as much as men (Schulte,2019). According to Schulte (2019), the disproportioned roles apportioned to women are consistent even when women working full-time are primary breadwinners, and whether children are available or not.
It should be noted that the presence of a man in given family unity significantly increases the roles of a woman. More often, the extra responsibilities accorded to women are considered as “invisible work”. Thus, women appear to carry the additional burden of carrying home chores and caring for children. Based on this perceptive, I present a gendered act to address the disparities in family responsibilities allocation and implementation.
The experiences I underwent while implementing the gendered act unravels the realities surrounding the uneven distribution of home-based responsibilities. My parents are both working, but home-based chores are overwhelmingly burdening my mother. My gendered act involves expanding the role of man in the implementation of family-related duties. I prepared myself by informing my mum that I would relieve her of some responsibilities. I carried out tasks that would ordinarily be done by my mother and sister in our home. On the first day, I told my mum to clean the house, to which she happily agreed. The next day, I relieve her of taking my younger siblings to school and getting them back. The third was a public day, and I told my mum that she could relax since I could help her take care of my younger siblings, play with them and prepare meals for the whole family. My mum and sisters were quite surprised and pleased with my act of assisting with home responsibilities. However, while doing this act, outdated views regarding gendered family roles continuously struck my mind. My mother praised me for helping her and highlighted how house chores have often overburdened her. My dad was quite perplexed but congratulated me for helping my mother. However, my mother said that it is not “helping”. My mother argued that it was not assistance. Instead, they were core roles that everyone could be obliged to do by our engagement in home responsibilities. But participating equitably in home responsibilities. She urged each family member to undertake functional home responsibilities when one is in an appropriate position to do so. Generally, I felt good after completing my acts despite lingering views regarding roles expectations in family social setups. I would be comfortable with the same act without significant hesitation and alterations. It does not require change appearance during the act.
There were satisfactory reactions regarding my gendered acts from my dad, mum, and sisters. My mum was pleased with me because she felt relieved from home duties and she could alert relax, especially when my sisters are away. I asked her whether my act was promoting equity in sharing home responsibilities. She readily replied that men need to take more duties because women have been overburdened for a long. my dad was quite surprised but pleased. It was not different for my sisters, who felt more joy.
Section Two
The experiences I got from the gendered act reflect the disenfranchised and biased allocation of family responsibilities. The range of reactions, my feelings and some course readings illustrate the general practices, attitudes and perceptions regarding gendered responsibilities in homes. Examining housework by focusing on the person who does what chores and why can unravel how housework or home chores are organized along gender lines. It depicts how boys and girls, men and women perceive, experience and practice home-based responsibilities in day-to-day family life.
In family-related chores and work, gender is understood and applied as a social constructionist tradition whereby its analysis is based on the social construction of gender rather than the biological difference between men and women (Berridge & Romich, 2011). Boys and girls continuously learn about expected gender roles and expectations within the family environment. Through such learning, they begin to acclim...
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